Modularised session state for Snaplets, in a Snaplet.
Please see
Scoped sessions
This snaplet provides a convenient way to handle typed sessions in your snap application.
It uses lenses to separate your session state into smaller parts which can then be individually managed by nested snaplets. The session state is therefore separated and subsnaplets have no access to the full global session state.
Session management
Session management inside your application is done by a session Snaplet
. The Snaplet is created using initSessionSnaplet
and it expects a Manager
as an argument. Usually you won't have to create this manager yourself, simply find a library function which provides you with one that suits your needs and drop it in there. As an example there is a in memory which you can create with the function initMemoryManager
from Snap.Snaplet.Session.Scoped.InMemory
. You can find more information on this particular manager in the section The InMemory Manager
The Manager typeclass
s are responsible for persisting the session state in whichever way he sees fit. Depending on your choice of manager therefore your session can be kept in memory or a database or persistent in files on the server. Furthermore the manager handles the connection to the client, which in most cases will be a session cookie.
Managers are parameterised by the state they can manage. It uses the TypeInType extension to define the internal state.
For some Managers this may be any type
instance Manager (MyManager a) where
type Manages (MyManager a) = a -- any state
or a constrained type
instance Serialize a => Manager (MySerializingManager a) where
type Manages (MySerializingManager a) = a
or even a concrete type
instance Manager MyCountingManager where
type Manages MyCountingManager = Int
The InMemory Manager
defines a Manager
which stores arbitrary server side session state in the form of in-memory Haskell data. Session tracking is done using a configurable cookie and sessions are automatically expired to free memory by a concurrent worker which cleans the session state.
An example of the configuration can be found in resources/devel.cfg
. All values are optional.
Wiring the Application
In order to give your snaplets access to the session manager you have to specify how the manager snaplet can be reached from inside your application. This is done by implementing a typeclass called HasManager
data MyApp = MyApp { _sessionSnaplet :: Snaplet MyManager, ... }
makeLenses ''MyApp
instance HasManager MyApp where
type TheManager MyApp = MyManager
toManager = subSnaplet sessionSnaplet
Then, for each subsnaplet which is to have access to a part of the state you have to implement AccessSession
to define the substate a Snaplet has access to.
data Session = Session
{ _snapletA :: SnapletASession
, _snapletB :: SnapletBSession
makeLenses SessionState
instance AccessSession SnapletA where
type GlobalSession SnapletA = SessionState
type LocalSession SnapletA = SnapletASession
accessSession = mkAccessSessionLens snapletA
instance AccessSession SnapletB where
type GlobalSession SnapletB = SessionState
type LocalSession SnapletB = SnapletBSession
accessSession = mkAccessSessionLens snapletB