Interpolated SQLite queries via quasiquotation.
Please see the readme at
Write natural SQL statements in Haskell using QuasiQuoters!
The QuasiQuoters support 3 methods of interpolation that can be mixed freely:
: injection-safe field interpolation, e.g.{myName}
gets replaced with?
which gets substituted withtoField myName
: injection-safe row interpolation, e.g.@{myPerson}
gets replaced with(?,?)
has two fields) which gets substituted withtoRow myPerson
: injection-vulnerable raw string interpolation. Never use this for user input! Intended for use cases that the anti-injection mechanisms won't allow, e.g. table names:!{myTableName}
gets replaced with the value ofmyTableName :: String
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Main where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
import Database.SQLite.Simple.Interpolate
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer}
instance SQL.ToRow Person where
toRow p = SQL.toRow (name p, age p)
table :: String
table = "people"
main :: IO ()
main = bracket ( ":memory:") SQL.close $ \conn -> do
-- Create a table, interpolating safe string constants like table names with !{}
conn & [iexecute|CREATE TABLE !{table} (name TEXT, age INTEGER)|]
-- Insert a person, safely interpolating a field using {}
let name = "clive"
conn & [iexecute|INSERT INTO !{table} VALUES ({name}, 40)|]
-- Insert a person, safely interpolating an entire row type using @{} (gets replaced with "(?,?)")
let clara = Person {name = "clara", age = 25}
conn & [iexecute|INSERT INTO !{table} VALUES @{clara}|]
-- Use ifold to fold some rows into their sum in haskell
ageHaskellSum <- conn & [ifold|SELECT age FROM !{table}|] 0 (\acc (SQL.Only x) -> pure (acc + x))
print (ageHaskellSum :: Int)
-- Let's calculate the average age of people that are at least 20 years old
let minAge = 20 :: Int
[ageAvg] <- conn & [iquery|SELECT AVG(age) FROM !{table} WHERE age >= {minAge}|]
print (ageAvg :: SQL.Only Double)
-- You can always use 'isql' directly but you'll have to use uncurry:
(uncurry $ SQL.execute conn) [isql|INSERT OR REPLACE INTO !{table} VALUES ({name}, 41)|]