Lifted versions of System functions.
Lifted versions of functions provided in System.Directory, System.Environment and others. User can derive instances for EitherT, ErrorT, MaybeT, etc.
Lifted versions of Haskell System functions.
While haskell promotes the use of Maybe
and Either
as smart ways of dealing with errors, I found that the support for their Monad Transformers counter-parts is less than stellar.
While some packages like Errors simplify this, they still add a lot of boilerplate to the code.
The goal of this project started out as a way to write cleaner directory related code in either one of the error related monad transformers, namely EitherT
, ErrorT
or MaybeT
(non-determinism and ListT
are not yet supported).
This is achieved through typeclasses, and thus, by simply declaring some simple template haskell at the start of a file:
type EitherIOText = EitherT Text
deriveSystemLiftedErrors "DisallowIOE [HardwareFault]" ''EitherIOText
deriveSystemDirectory ''EitherIOText
One could then write code like this:
getXdgConfigFolder :: EitherT IOException IO FilePath
getXdgConfigFolder = isRW =<< getEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
Currently the System.Directory
and System.Environment
are fully supported, and there is partial support for System.Unix.Users
More examples and wider System.
support is planned. Contribuitions are welcomed.