Route to different middlewares based on the incoming Accept header.
Please see the README on Github at
Route middlewares based on the incoming Accept
HTTP header, and other hints like the file extension (foo.txt
) of the route requested.
This package provides many combinators for turning various data types into the response you'd expect. For instance, blaze-html gives us strictlyHtml
data, right? We can be sure to only respond with Html
-compatible requests with our toolset:
import Network.Wai.Middleware.ContentType
import Network.Wai.Trans
myMiddleware :: MiddlewareT (ReaderT Env m)
contentTypeRoutes :: Monad m =>
FileExtListenerT urlbase (Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Response) m ()
contentTypeRoutes = do
blaze myBlazeResponse
cassius myCassiusResponse
text myTextResponse
contentMiddleware :: Monad m => MiddlewareT m
contentMiddleware app req respond =
fileExtsToMiddleware $
mapResponse (\f -> f status200 []) contentTypeRoutes
This library was designed for use with nested-routes, but it's all good if you want to use it separately.