Validate Wordpress Cookies & Nonces; Build Wordpress Hashes & Salts.
This package is used for validating Cookie data & Nonces from Wordpress.
You may find it useful if you're trying to serve a Haskell application alongside a Wordpress site. By validating the Cookies set by Wordpress, you can access the currently logged-in Wordpress user in Haskell without having to devise a Wordpress-to-Haskell authentication scheme.
It includes a generalized authentication function, as well as various helpers, validators, & hashers if you'd like to build a custom authentication process.
Servant users may want to just use the servant-auth-wordpress
This package is used for validating Cookie data & Nonces from Wordpress.
You may find it useful if you're trying to serve a Haskell application alongside a Wordpress site. By validating the Cookies set by Wordpress, you can access the currently logged-in Wordpress user in Haskell without having to devise a Wordpress-to-Haskell authentication scheme.
It includes a generalized authentication function, as well as various helpers, validators, & hashers if you'd like to build a custom authentication process.
Servant users may want to just use the servant-auth-wordpress
BSD 3-clause, exceptions possible.