Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents with marks.
Please see
Like Data.Yaml
but for when you need the source locations (aka YamlMark
s) for parsed elements.
While working on stack-lint-extra-deps
, it became apparent it would be impossible to implement an auto-fix in a way that preserved the source formatting of the original Yaml. Sure, we could decode, modify, and encode, but that loses all formatting, comments, and sorting -- which can be important for documenting choices made in one's stack.yaml
That is, unless there were a Yaml parser that preserved source locations. Then, I could use those to make targeted replacements within the original source ByteString
, while preserving everything else.
There didn't seem to be anything promising on Hackage, except for the fact that Text.Libyaml
(the library powering Data.Yaml
) has functions that emit MarkedEvent
s, which Data.Yaml
doesn't use.
So I began the process of modifying Data.Yaml
internals to operate on MarkedEvent
s and, instead of assuming FromJSON
to construct a Value
, use a provided decoding function and produce my own Marked Value
type -- which is basically the same, except holding the original YamlMark
(recursively). Thus, Data.Yaml.Marked.Decode
was born.
Finally, I created something to approximate a non-typeclass FromJSON
), and a module to handle the tricky business of applying replacements to ByteString
s (Data.Yaml.Marked.Replace
), and I can finally do what I need to:
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Yaml.Marked
import Data.Yaml.Marked.Value
import Data.Yaml.Marked.Parse
import Data.Yaml.Marked.Decode
import Data.Yaml.Marked.Replace
Decoding is meant to look a lot like aeson. Your record should hold Marked
values anywhere you will need that:
data StackYaml = StackYaml
{ resolver :: Marked Text
, extraDeps :: Marked [Marked Text]
Instead of making a FromJSON
instance, you just define a function. The Data.Yaml.Marked.Parse
module exposes combinators to accomplish this:
decodeStackYaml :: Marked Value -> Either String (Marked StackYaml)
decodeStackYaml = withObject "StackYaml" $ \o ->
<$> (text =<< (o .: "resolver"))
<*> (array text =<< (o .: "extra-deps"))
Then we can give this and some source Yaml to Data.Yaml.Marked.Decode.decodeThrow
and get back a Marked StackYaml
example :: IO ()
example = do
stackYaml <- BS8.readFile "stack.yaml"
-- Imagine:
-- resolver: lts-20.0
-- extra-deps:
-- - ../local-package
-- - hackage-dep-1.0
StackYaml {..} <-
markedItem <$> decodeThrow decodeStackYaml "stack.yaml" stackYaml
Because our decoder returns a Marked StackYaml
, that's what we get. We don't need the location info for this (it just represents the entire file), so we discard it here. We could've written our decoder to return just a StackYaml
, but then we could not have used withObject
, which always returns Marked
in case it's being used somewhere other than the top-level document, where you would indeed want Marked
Next, let's pretend we linted this value and discovered the resolver and the second extra-dep can be updated. As part of doing this, we would presumably build Replace
values from the Marked
items we linted:
let replaces =
[ replaceMarked resolver "lts-20.11"
, replaceMarked (markedItem extraDeps !! 1) "hackage-dep-2.0.1"
Then we can runs all of those on the original ByteString
BS8.putStr =<< runReplaces replaces stackYaml
-- Outputs:
-- resolver: lts-20.11
-- extra-deps:
-- - ../local-package
-- - hackage-dep-2.0.1
Development & Tests
stack build --fast --pedantic --test --file-watch