CAR-MM Modelling in Stan.
'Stan' based functions to estimate CAR-MM models. These models allow to estimate Generalised Linear Models with CAR (conditional autoregressive) spatial random effects for spatially and temporally misaligned data, provided a suitable Multiple Membership matrix. The main references are Gramatica, Liverani and Congdon (2023) <doi:10.1214/23-BA1370>, Petrof, Neyens, Nuyts, Nackaerts, Nemery and Faes (2020) <doi:10.1002/sim.8697> and Gramatica, Congdon and Liverani <doi:10.1111/rssc.12480>.
Stan based functions to estimate CAR-MM models. These models allow to estimate Generalised Linear Models with CAR (conditional autoregressive) spatial random effects for spatially and temporally misaligned data, provided a suitable Multiple Membership matrix.
The main references are:
- Gramatica, M, Liverani, S, Congdon, P.
Structure Induced by a Multiple Membership Transformation on the Conditional Autoregressive Model.
Bayesian Analysis Advance Publication 1 - 25, 2023. - Petrof, O, Neyens, T, Nuyts, V, Nackaerts, K, Nemery, B, Faes, C.
On the impact of residential history in the spatial analysis of diseases with a long latency period: A study of mesothelioma in Belgium.
Statistics in Medicine. 2020; 39: 3840– 3866. - Gramatica, M, Congdon, P, Liverani, S.
Bayesian Modelling for Spatially Misaligned Health Areal Data: A Multiple Membership Approach.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics,
Volume 70, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 645–666.
# CRAN installation
# Or the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
We start by setting the number of membership we wish to use. In this case we take the adjacency matrix from the South East London (SEL) dataset used in Gramatica et al. (2023). It consists of $m = 153$ memberships and $n = 152$ areas.
#---- Load data
## Number of areas
n <- nrow(W_sel)
## Number of memberships
m <- 153
#---- Simulate covariates
X <- cbind(rnorm(nrow(W_sel)), rnorm(nrow(W_sel)))
## Min-max normalisation
X_cent <- apply(X, 2, function(x) (x - min(x))/diff(range(x)))
Then, we simulate a $(153 \times 15)2$ Multiple Membership matrix, together with the observed outcomes generated using a poisson distribution and a CAR prior.
#---- Simulate MM matrix
w_ord <- c(.5, .35, .15) # Weight of each neighbours orders
ord <- length(w_ord) - 1 # Order of neighbours to include
H_sel_sim <- sim_MM_matrix(
W = W_sel, m = m, ord = ord, w_ord = w_ord, id_vec = rep(1, nrow(W_sel))
#---- Simulate outcomes
## Linear term parameters
gamma <- -.5 # Intercept
beta <- c(1, .5) # Covariates coefficients
## CAR random effects
phi_car <- sim_car(W = W_sel, alpha = .9, tau = 5)
# Areal log relative risks
l_RR <- X_cent %*% beta + phi_car
## Membership log relative risks
l_RR_mm <- as.numeric(apply(H_sel_sim, 1, function(x) x %*% l_RR))
## Expected rates
exp_rates <- rpois(m, lambda = 20)
## Outcomes
y <- rpois(m, lambda = exp_rates*exp(l_RR_mm))
#---- Create dataset for stan function
d_sel <- list(
# Number of areas
n = nrow(W_sel),
# Covariates
k = ncol(X_cent),
X_cov = X_cent,
# Adjacency
W_n = sum(W_sel) / 2,
# Number of neighbour pairs
W = W_sel,
# Memberships
m = nrow(H_sel_sim),
H = H_sel_sim,
# Outcomes
y = y,
log_offset = log(exp_rates),
# Prior parameters
## Intercept (mean and sd of normal prior)
mu_gamma = 0, sigma_gamma = 1,
## Covariates (mean and sd of normal prior)
mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1,
## Marginal precision gamma prior
tau_shape = 2,
tau_rate = 0.2
Finally, we can run the model:
#---- HMC parameters
niter <- 1E4
nchains <- 4
#---- Stan sampling
fit <- car_mm(
d_list = d_sel,
# arguments passed to sampling
iter = niter, chains = nchains, refresh = 500,
control = list(adapt_delta = .99, max_treedepth = 15)