Ecological Inference Applying Entropy.
Implements two estimations related to the foundations of info metrics applied to ecological inference. These methodologies assess the lack of disaggregated data and provide an approach to obtaining disaggregated territorial-level data. For more details, see the following references: Fernández-Vázquez, E., Díaz-Dapena, A., Rubiera-Morollón, F. et al. (2020) "Spatial Disaggregation of Social Indicators: An Info-Metrics Approach." <doi:10.1007/s11205-020-02455-z>. Díaz-Dapena, A., Fernández-Vázquez, E., Rubiera-Morollón, F., & Vinuela, A. (2021) "Mapping poverty at the local level in Europe: A consistent spatial disaggregation of the AROPE indicator for France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom." <doi:10.1111/rsp3.12379>.