Flood Probability Plotting and Graphical Frequency Analysis.
Plotting flood quantiles and their corresponding probabilities (return periods) on the probability papers. The details of relevant methods are available in Chow et al (1988, ISBN: 007070242X, 9780070702424), and Bobee and Ashkar (1991, ISBN: 0918334683, 9780918334688).
A package to plot flood quantiles and their probabilities
FloodFreqPlot is a package including some functions to plot flood quantiles and their probabilities on the probability papers. The package is useful for the flood frequency analysis studies.
Here is a simple example:
# Probability Plotting for the floods obseved at Harricana River at Amos (Quebec, Canada)
## Loading Harricana dataset
## Flood Probability Plotting
ProbPlot(data_obs = Harricana, PP = 'Cunnane', dist = 'LPea3', T_rp = c(100, 1000))