Hydro Thermal Time Analysis of Seed Germination Using Generalised Linear Model.
Seed germinates through the physical process of water uptake by dry seed driven by the difference in water potential between the seed and the water. There exists seed-to-seed variability in the base seed water potential. Hence, there is a need for a distribution such that a viable seed with its base seed water potential germinates if and only if the soil water potential is more than the base seed water potential. This package estimates the stress tolerance and uniformity parameters of the seed lot for germination under various temperatures by using the hydro-time model of counts of germinated seeds under various water potentials. The distribution of base seed water potential has been considered to follow Normal, Logistic and Extreme value distribution. The estimated proportion of germinated seeds along with the estimates of stress and uniformity parameters are obtained using a generalised linear model. The significance test of the above parameters for within and between temperatures is also performed in the analysis. Details can be found in Kebreab and Murdoch (1999) <doi:10.1093/jxb/50.334.655> and Bradford (2002) <>.