Exact Spike Train Inference via L0 Optimization.
LZeroSpikeInference: A package for estimating spike times from calcium imaging data using an L0 penalty ![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/jewellsean/LZeroSpikeInference.svg?token=oixVftbrq2TkrSApRKn2&branch=master)
This package implements an algorithm for deconvolving calcium imaging data for a single neuron in order to estimate the times at which the neuron spikes.
This algorithm solves the optimization problems
AR(1) model
minimize_{c1,...,cT} 0.5 sum_{t=1}^T ( y_t - c_t )^2 + lambda sum_{t=2}^T 1_{c_t neq gamma c_{t-1} }
for the global optimum, where y_t is the observed fluorescence at the tth timepoint. We also solve the above problem with the constraint that c_t >= 0 (hardThreshold = T).
AR(1) with intercept
minimize_{c1,...,cT,b1,...,bT} 0.5 sum_{t=1}^T (y_t - c_t - b_t)^2 + lambda sum_{t=2}^T 1_{c_t neq gamma c_{t-1}, b_t neq b_{t-1} }
where the indicator variable 1_{(A,B)} equals 1 if the event A cup B holds, and equals zero otherwise.
In R, if devtools
is installed type
Once installed type
This package can be called from Python using the py2 package. To install LZeroSpikeInference and rpy2 for use in Python first
- Install R (for example
apt-get install r-base
and then from within R install this package (as above). Then pip install rpy2
- pip install --user rpy2
The following example illustrates use of the LZeroSpikeInference package from python
from numpy import array
import rpy2.robjects.packages
lzsi = rpy2.robjects.packages.importr("LZeroSpikeInference")
d = lzsi.simulateAR1(n = 500, gam = 0.998, poisMean = 0.009, sd = 0.15, seed = 8)
fit = lzsi.estimateSpikes(d[1], **{'gam':0.998, 'lambda':8, 'type':"ar1"})
spikes = array(fit[0])
fittedValues = array(fit[1])
Thanks to Luke Campagnola for suggesting this approach!
See Jewell and Witten, Exact Spike Train Inference Via L0 Optimization (2017)