Phylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies.
Functions for phylogenetic analysis (Castiglione et al., 2018 <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12954>). The functions perform the estimation of phenotypic evolutionary rates, identification of phenotypic evolutionary rate shifts, quantification of direction and size of evolutionary change in multivariate traits, the computation of ontogenetic shape vectors and test for morphological convergence.
The goal of RRphylo is to compute phenotypic evolutionary rates, estimate ancestral states, locate rate shifts on the tree, and compare vectors of phenotypes and evolutionary rates among species. RRphylo is not based on any evolutionary model, and is best suited to work with phylogenies of fossil species.
Installation from CRAN
You can install the released version of RRphylo from CRAN with:
Installation from github
You can install RRphylo from github by using the R package devtools:
devtools::install_github("pasraia/RRphylo",build_vignettes = TRUE,dependencies=TRUE)