An Interactive Wizard to Design, Build, and Deploy R Packages Demo Presentation.
Design, build, and deploy R packages demo presentations by an interactive wizard. Set up unique title, logo and themes. Add personalized tabs exposing applicability. And deploy as a part of a package or an independent app.
These fonts were downloaded with google-font-download, using the following command:
google-font-download -f ttf \
"Source Sans Pro:300" "Source Sans Pro:400" \
"Source Sans Pro:400italic" "Source Sans Pro:700" \
"Roboto:300" "Roboto:400" "Roboto:500" "Roboto:700" \
"Lato:300" "Lato:400" "Lato:700" \
"Lato:400italic" \
"News Cycle:400" "News Cycle:700" \
"Raleway:400" "Raleway:700" \
"Open Sans:300" "Open Sans:400" "Open Sans:700" \
"Open Sans:300italic" "Open Sans:400italic" "Open Sans:700italic" \
The fonts downloaded this way are smaller in size than ones downloaded manually from, because they include fewer glyphs. This can be seen by viewing the font files with For Source Sans Pro, it's 240 glyphs vs. 1249 glyphs.