Fit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis.
Contains tools to fit the additive hazards model to data from a cohort, random sampling, two-phase Bernoulli sampling and two-phase finite population sampling, as well as calibration tool to incorporate phase I auxiliary information into the two-phase data model fitting. This package provides regression parameter estimates and their model-based and robust standard errors. It also offers tools to make prediction of individual specific hazards.
addhazard 1.1.0 updates:
- add a two-phase sampling example dataset, nwts.2ph.rda, to the data folder
- add R file nwts.2ph.generator.R to generate the nwts.2ph example dataset
- update documentations
- add rownames to the summary stat where there is only one covariate
- clean the typo in ah.2ph() on updating wts.2ph
- add importFrom stats model.weight to ah.R file
- add but currently surppress the use of this function. It will be activated in the later version.