Subset Partitioning via Anticlustering.
The method of anticlustering partitions a pool of elements into groups (i.e., anticlusters) with the goal of maximizing between-group similarity or within-group heterogeneity. The anticlustering approach thereby reverses the logic of cluster analysis that strives for high within-group homogeneity and clear separation between groups. Computationally, anticlustering is accomplished by maximizing instead of minimizing a clustering objective function, such as the intra-cluster variance (used in k-means clustering) or the sum of pairwise distances within clusters. The main function anticlustering() gives access to exact and heuristic anticlustering methods described in Papenberg and Klau (2021; <doi:10.1037/met0000301>), Brusco et al. (2020; <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12186>), and Papenberg (2024; <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12315>). The exact algorithms require that an integer linear programming solver is installed, either the GNU linear programming kit (<>) together with the interface package 'Rglpk' (<>), or the SYMPHONY ILP solver (<>) together with the interface package 'Rsymphony' (<>). Full access to the bicriterion anticlustering method proposed by Brusco et al. (2020) is given via the function bicriterion_anticlustering(), while kplus_anticlustering() implements the full functionality of the k-plus anticlustering approach proposed by Papenberg (2024). Some other functions are available to solve classical clustering problems. The function balanced_clustering() applies a cluster analysis under size constraints, i.e., creates equal-sized clusters. The function matching() can be used for (unrestricted, bipartite, or K-partite) matching. The function wce() can be used optimally solve the (weighted) cluster editing problem, also known as correlation clustering, clique partitioning problem or transitivity clustering.