Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis.
Implements biplot (2d and 3d) of multivariate data based on principal components analysis and diagnostic tools of the quality of the reduction.
bpca - Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis
This is the development code of the R package bpca. You should use it if you want to contribute to its development: testing unreleased versions, fixing bugs, writing code, etc.
To download, check and build it do the following in a terminal emulator:
git clone git://
git clone https://[email protected]/jcfaria/bpca.git
After to clone it, to check, build and install do the following:
R CMD check bpca
R CMD build bpca
R CMD INSTALL bpca_X.X-X.tar.gz
The stable version of this package is available at:
Faria, J. C; Allaman, I. B. and Demétrio, C. G. B.
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC
Departamento de Ciências Exatas - DCEX
Ilhéus - Bahia - Brasil