Build Decision Trees with Optimal Multivariate Splits.
Learn a Classification Tree using Boolean Sensing
Other tree-building methods, such as C50, tree, ctree and rpart available in R, utilize only a single variable in each split, which limits the expressiveness and in some cases the predictive accuracy of the tree model.
In bsnsing, an optimization problem is solved at each node to identify the best combination of features by which to split the node. Currently, supported MIP solvers include cplex, gurobi, lpSolve, an implicit enumeration (ENUM) algorithm and a greedy heuristic.
The bsnsing package does not depend on them to work out-of-the-box, but
To use the CPLEX solver, licensed CPLEX software and the R package cplexAPI must be installed.
To use the Gurobi solver, licensed Gurobi software and the R package gurobi must be installed.
The lpSolve package should be automatically installed along with bsnsing. If not, install it by install.packages('lpSolve').
Install bsnsing from Github
Windows users need to install Rtools ( before installing the devtools package.
Install bsnsing from source
Download this repository, and in R run:
install.packages(path_to_file, repos = NULL, type="source")
Build the / bslearn.dylib / bslearn.dll
On windows:
C:\rtools40\mingw64\bin\gcc -I"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\include" -fpic -c "C:...\bsnsing\C\bslearn.c"
C:\rtools40\mingw64\bin\gcc -I"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\include" -shared bslearn.o -o bslearn.dll
On Mac:
Go to the bsnsing/C folder, modify include path in the Makefile and run
to generate the bslearn.dylib file. On Linux:
Follow a similar procedure as on Mac, to generate the file.
Finally, copy & paste the dynamic library file (bslearn.dll on Windows, bslearn.dylib on Mac or on Linux) to the working directory of R in which bsnsing is run.
Note that the dynamic library file is not required to run bsnsing, but having it can boost bsnsing's speed by up to two orders of magnitude.
Usage Examples
n <- nrow(GlaucomaMVF)
train_index <- sample(1:n, round(0.5 * n))
test_index <- setdiff(1:n, train_index)
Out-of-the-box run
bs <- bsnsing(Class ~ ., data = GlaucomaMVF, subset = train_index)
Predict and display confusion matrix
pred <- predict(bs, GlaucomaMVF[test_index, ], type = 'class')
table(pred, actual = GlaucomaMVF[test_index, 'Class'])
Customize parameters
bs <- bsnsing(Class ~ ., data = GlaucomaMVF, subset = train_index, opt.model = 'error', opt.solver = 'gurobi')
To learn more about control parameters
To display the current and default parameter values
Multi-class classification
n <- nrow(iris)
train_index <- sample(1:n, round(0.5 * n))
test_index <- setdiff(1:n, train_index)
bs <- bsnsing(Species ~ ., data = iris, subset = train_index)
summary(bs[[1]]) # display the first tree
summary(bs[[2]]) # display the second tree
summary(bs[[3]]) # display the third tree
table(pred = predict(bs, iris[test_index, ], type = 'class'), actual = iris[test_index, 'Species']) # Confusion matrix on the test set
Visualize the bsnsing tree
Use the plot function to generate a PDF plot as well as the latex code. For example,
plot(bs, file = 'a.pdf')