Cystic Fibrosis Survival Prediction Model Based on Stanojevic Model.
Allows clinicians to predict survival probabilities over the next two years for cystic fibrosis patients, based on the clinical prediction models published in Stanojevic et al. (2019) <doi:10.1183/13993003.00224-2019>.
Allows clinicians to predict 1- and 2- year risk of death (with a threshold risk of death of >= 20% for the 1-year model) in cyctic fibrosis patients based on patients' overal health status described in
You can install the latest development version from GitHub:
Mortality Prediction
To get a prediction for mortality rate for first and second year , you will need to pass in patient's risk factors. For example:
predictcfmortality (age = 16, male = 0, fvc = 66.7, fev1 = 47.4, fev1LastYear = 80.5, bcepacia = 0, underweight = 0, nHosp = 0, pancreaticInsufficient = 1, CFRelatedDiabetes = 0, ageAtDiagnosis = 0.9)
The predictcfmortality() function returns 1- year and 2-year mortality rate of patients with cystic fibrosis with 20% cut-off for risk of death of the 1-year model.
Please cite:
Stanojevic, Sanja, et al. "Development and external validation of 1-and 2-year mortality prediction models in cystic fibrosis." European Respiratory Journal 54.3 (2019): 1900224.