Tools for Clinical Research.
Every research team have their own script for data management, statistics and most importantly hemodynamic indices. The purpose is to standardize scripts utilized in clinical research. The hemodynamic indices can be used in a long-format dataframe, and add both periods of interest (trigger-periods), and delete artifacts with deleter-files. Transfer function analysis (Claassen et al. (2016) <doi:10.1177/0271678X15626425>) and Mx (Czosnyka et al. (1996) <doi:10.1161/01.str.27.10.1829>) can be calculated using this package.
Every research team have their own script for data management, statistics and most importantly hemodynamic indices. The purpose is to standardize scripts utilized in clinical reserach. The hemodynamic indices can be used in a long-format dataframe, and add both periods of interest (trigger-periods), and delete artifacts with deleter-files.
To download the development version of reports
Any help needed for usage of the package contact - [email protected]
You are welcome to:
- submit suggestions and bug-reports at: or compose a friendly e-mail to: <[email protected].