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Efficient and Doubly Robust Population Size Estimation.

Estimation of the total population size from capture-recapture data efficiently and with low bias implementing the methods from Das M, Kennedy EH, and Jewell NP (2021) <arXiv:2104.14091>. The estimator is doubly robust against errors in the estimation of the intermediate nuisance parameters. Users can choose from the flexible estimation models provided in the package, or use any other preferred model.


The goal of drpop is to provide users doubly robust and efficient estimates of population size and the confidence intervals for a capture-recapture problem.


You can install the released version of drpop from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'tibble':
#>   method     from  
#>   format.tbl pillar
#>   print.tbl  pillar

n = 1000
x = matrix(rnorm(n*3, 2, 1), nrow = n)
expit = function(xi) {
  exp(sum(xi))/(1 + exp(sum(xi)))
y1 = unlist(apply(x, 1, function(xi) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi), expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi)))}))
y2 = unlist(apply(x, 1, function(xi) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.3*xi), expit(-0.6 + 0.3*xi)))}))
datacrc = cbind(y1, y2, exp(x/2))[y1+y2 > 0, ]

estim <- popsize(data = datacrc, func = c("gam"), nfolds = 2, K = 2)
#> Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.0.5
#> Loading required package: tidyr
#> Loaded gam 1.20
#> Warning in popsize_base(data, K = K, j0 = j, k0 = k, filterrows = filterrows, :
#> Plug-in variance is not well-defined. Returning variance evaluated using DR
#> estimator formula
# The population size estimates are 'n' and the standard deviations are 'sigman'
#>   listpair model method   psi sigma   n sigman cin.l cin.u
#> 1      1,2   gam     DR 0.820 1.015 955 31.886   893  1018
#> 2      1,2   gam     PI 0.810 1.015 967 32.150   904  1030
#> 3      1,2   gam   TMLE 0.822 0.921 953 29.515   895  1010
## basic example code

The following shows the confidence interval of estimates for a toy data. Real population size is 3000.


n = 3000
x = matrix(rnorm(n*3, 2,1), nrow = n)

expit = function(xi) {
  exp(sum(xi))/(1 + exp(sum(xi)))
y1 = unlist(apply(x, 1, function(xi) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi), expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi)))}))
y2 = unlist(apply(x, 1, function(xi) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.3*xi), expit(-0.6 + 0.3*xi)))}))
datacrc = cbind(y1, y2, exp(x/2))[y1+y2>0,]

estim <- popsize(data = datacrc, func = c("gam", "rangerlogit"), nfolds = 2, margin = 0.01)
#> Warning in popsize_base(data, K = K, j0 = j, k0 = k, filterrows = filterrows, :
#> Plug-in variance is not well-defined. Returning variance evaluated using DR
#> estimator formula
#>   listpair       model method   psi sigma    n sigman cin.l cin.u
#> 1      1,2         gam     DR 0.794 1.001 2999 56.258  2889  3109
#> 2      1,2         gam     PI 0.807 1.001 2951 55.612  2842  3060
#> 3      1,2         gam   TMLE 0.805 1.059 2960 58.228  2846  3074
#> 4      1,2 rangerlogit     DR 0.806 0.764 2956 45.880  2866  3046
#> 5      1,2 rangerlogit     PI 0.827 0.764 2881 44.678  2794  2969
#> 6      1,2 rangerlogit   TMLE 0.821 0.841 2902 48.147  2807  2996
#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.0.4
#result = melt(, = "estimator", = "population_size")
#ggplot(result, aes(x = population_size - n, fill = estimator, color = estimator)) +
#  geom_density(alpha = 0.4) +
#  xlab("Bias on n")

The following shows confidence interval of estimates for toy data with a categorical covariate. Real population size is 10000.

n = 10000
x = matrix(rnorm(n*3, 2, 1), nrow = n)
expit = function(xi) {
  exp(sum(xi))/(1 + exp(sum(xi)))
catcov = sample(c('m','f'), n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.45, 0.55))

y1 = unlist(apply(x, 1, function(xi) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi), expit(-0.6 + 0.4*xi)))}))
y2 = sapply(1:n, function(i) {sample(c(0, 1), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1 - expit(-0.6 + 0.3*(catcov[i] == 'm') + 0.3*x[i,]), expit(-0.6 + 0.3*(catcov[i] == 'm') + 0.3*x[i,])))})
datacrc =, y2, exp(x/2), catcov)[y1+y2>0,]

result = popsize_cond(data = datacrc, condvar = 'catcov')
#> Warning in popsize_base(data = datasub, K = K, filterrows = filterrows, : Plug-
#> in variance is not well-defined. Returning variance evaluated using DR estimator
#> formula

#> Warning in popsize_base(data = datasub, K = K, filterrows = filterrows, : Plug-
#> in variance is not well-defined. Returning variance evaluated using DR estimator
#> formula
fig = plotci(result)
fig + geom_hline(yintercept = table(catcov), color = "brown", linetype = "dashed")





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