Interact with Data Type Registries and Create Machine-Readable Data.
The goal of dtreg is to help users interact with various data type registries (DTRs) and create machine-readable data. Currently, we support the ePIC and ORKG DTRs.
First, load a DTR schema (an ePIC datatype or an ORKG template) as an R object.
Then, create a new instance of the schema by filling in the relevant fields.
Finally, write the instance as a machine-readable JSON-LD file.
The easiest way is to install dtreg from CRAN:
Development version
You can install the development version of dtreg with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_gitlab("TIBHannover/orkg/dtreg-r", build_vignettes = TRUE)
This brief example shows you how to work with a DTR schema. You need to know the schema identifier (see the help page ). For instance, the schema “data item” requires the ePIC datatype with the DOI For the ORKG, please use the ORKG template URL, such as
## load the schema with the known identifier
dt <- dtreg::load_datatype("")
## look at the schemata you might need to use
#> [1] "string" "url" "integer_in_string"
#> [4] "column" "cell" "row"
#> [7] "table" "component" "matrix_size"
#> [10] "figure" "data_item"
## check available fields for your schema
#> [1] "comment" "has_expression" "has_characteristic"
#> [4] "has_part" "source_table" "source_url"
#> [7] "label"
## create your own instance by filling the fields of your choice
## see the help page to know more about the fields
my_label = "my results"
my_df <- data.frame(A = 1, B = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
url_1 <- dt$url(label = "URL_1")
url_2 <- dt$url(label = "URL_2")
my_inst <- dt$data_item(
label = my_label,
has_expression = c(url_1, url_2),
source_table = my_df
## write the instance in JSON-LD format as a string
my_json <- dtreg::to_jsonld(my_inst)
## the result can be saved as a JSON file
## write(my_json, "my_file.json")
For more information, please see the help page and dtreg vignette. To access the vignette, you can run:
vignette("dtreg", package="dtreg")