Test Theory Analysis and Biclustering.
The exametrika
package provides comprehensive Test Data Engineering tools for analyzing educational test data. Based on the methods described in Shojima (2022), this package enables researchers and practitioners to:
- Analyze test response patterns and item characteristics
- Classify respondents using various psychometric models
- Investigate latent structures in test data
- Examine local dependencies between items
- Perform network analysis of item relationships
The package implements both traditional psychometric approaches and advanced statistical methods, making it suitable for various assessment and research purposes.
The package implements various psychometric models and techniques:
Classical Methods
- Classical Test Theory (CTT)
- Item difficulty and discrimination
- Test reliability and validity
- Item Response Theory (IRT)
- 2PL, 3PL, and 4PL models
- Item characteristic curves
- Test information functions
Latent Structure Analysis
- Latent Class Analysis (LCA)
- Class membership estimation
- Item response profiles
- Latent Rank Analysis (LRA)
- Ordered latent classes
- Rank transition probabilities
- Biclustering and Ranklustering
- Simultaneous clustering of items and examinees
- Field-specific response patterns
- Infinite Relational Model (IRM)
- Optimal class/field determination
- Nonparametric clustering
Advanced Network Models
- Bayesian Network Analysis
- Structure Learning
- Genetic Algorithm approach
- Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL)
- Conditional probability estimation
- Structure Learning
- Local Dependence Models
- Local Dependence Latent Rank Analysis (LDLRA)
- Local Dependence Biclustering (LDB)
- Bicluster Network Model (BINET)
Model Overview
Local Dependence Models
The package implements three complementary approaches to modeling local dependencies in test data:
LDLRA (Local Dependence Latent Rank Analysis)
- Analyzes how item dependencies change across different proficiency ranks
- Suitable when item relationships are expected to vary by student ability level
- Combines the strengths of LRA and Bayesian Networks
LDB (Local Dependence Biclustering)
- Focuses on relationships between item fields within each rank
- Optimal when items naturally form groups (fields) with hierarchical relationships
- Integrates biclustering with field-level dependency structures
BINET (Bicluster Network Model)
- Examines class transitions within each field
- Best for understanding complex patterns of class progression
- Combines biclustering with class-level network analysis
Exametrika was originally developed and published as a Mathematica and Excel Add-in. For additional information about Exametrika, visit:
The development version of Exametrika can be installed from GitHub:
# Install devtools if not already installed
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
# Install Exametrika
The package requires:
- R (>= 4.1.0)
- igraph (for network analysis)
- Other dependencies are automatically installed
Data Format and Usage
Basic Usage
Data Requirements
Exametrika accepts both binary and polytomous response data:
- Binary data (0/1)
- 0: Incorrect answer
- 1: Correct answer
- Polytomous data
- Ordinal response categories
- Multiple score levels
- Missing values
- NA values supported
- Custom missing value codes can be specified
Input Data Specifications
The package accepts data in several formats with the following features:
Data Structure
- Matrix or data.frame format
- Response data (binary or polytomous)
- Flexible handling of missing values
- Support for various data types and structures
Optional Components
- Examinee ID column (default: first column)
- Item weights (default: all weights = 1)
- Item labels (default: sequential numbers)
- Missing value indicator matrix
Note: Some analysis methods may have specific data type requirements. Please refer to each function's documentation for detailed requirements.
Data Formatting
The dataFormat
function preprocesses input data for analysis:
- Functions
- Extracts and validates ID vectors if present
- Processes item labels or assigns sequential numbers
- Creates response data matrix U
- Generates missing value indicator matrix Z
- Handles item weights
- Converts data to appropriate format for analysis
# Format raw data for analysis
data <- dataFormat(J15S500) # Using sample dataset
str(data) # View structure of formatted data
Sample Datasets
The package includes various sample datasets from Shojima (2022) for testing and learning:
- Naming Convention: JxxSxxx format
- J: Number of items (e.g., J15 = 15 items)
- S: Sample size (e.g., S500 = 500 examinees)
Available datasets:
- J5S10: Very small dataset (5 items, 10 examinees)
- Useful for quick testing and understanding basic concepts
- J12S5000: Large sample dataset (12 items, 5000 examinees)
- Suitable for LDLRA and other advanced analyses
- J14S500: Medium dataset (14 items, 500 examinees)
- J15S500: Medium dataset (15 items, 500 examinees)
- Often used in IRT and LCA examples
- J20S400: Medium dataset (20 items, 400 examinees)
- J35S515: Large item dataset (35 items, 515 examinees)
- Used in Biclustering and network model examples
Test Statistics
The IRT function estimates the number of parameters using a logistic model, which can be specified using the model
option. It supports 2PL, 3PL, and 4PL models.
result.IRT <- IRT(J15S500, model = 3)
The estimated population of subjects is included in the returned object.
The plots offer options for Item Characteristic Curves (ICC), Item Information Curves (IIC), and Test Information Curves (TIC), which can be specified through options. Items can be specified using the items
argument, and if not specified, plots will be drawn for all items. The number of rows and columns for dividing the plotting area can be specified using nr
and nc
, respectively.
plot(result.IRT, type = "ICC", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)
plot(result.IRT, type = "IIC", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)
plot(result.IRT, type = "TIC")
LCA Example
Latent Class Analysis requires specifying the dataset and the number of classes.
LCA(J15S500, ncls = 5)
The returned object contains the Class Membership Matrix, which indicates which latent class each subject belongs to. The Estimate includes the one with the highest membership probability.
result.LCA <- LCA(J15S500, ncls = 5)
The plots offer options for IRP, CMP, TRP, and LCD. For more details on each, please refer to Shojima (2022).
plot(result.LCA, type = "IRP", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)
plot(result.LCA, type = "CMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)
plot(result.LCA, type = "TRP")
plot(result.LCA, type = "LCD")
LRA Example
Latent Rank Analysis requires specifying the dataset and the number of classes.
LRA(J15S500, nrank = 6)
The estimated subject rank membership probabilities and plots are almost the same as those in LCA (Latent Class Analysis). Since a ranking is assumed for the latent classes, rank-up odds and rank-down odds are calculated.
result.LRA <- LRA(J15S500, nrank = 6)
plot(result.LRA, type = "IRP", items = 1:6, nc = 2, nr = 3)
plot(result.LRA, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)
plot(result.LRA, type = "TRP")
plot(result.LRA, type = "LRD")
Biclustering and Ranklustering algorithms are almost the same, differing only in whether they include a filtering matrix or not. The difference is specified using the method
option in the Biclustering()
function. For more details, please refer to the help documentation.
Biclustering(J35S515, nfld = 5, ncls = 6, method = "B")
result.Ranklustering <- Biclustering(J35S515, nfld = 5, ncls = 6, method = "R")
plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "Array")
plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "FRP", nc = 2, nr = 3)
plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)
plot(result.Ranklustering, type = "LRD")
To find the optimal number of classes and the optimal number of fields, the Infinite Relational Model is available.
result.IRM <- IRM(J35S515, gamma_c = 1, gamma_f = 1, verbose = TRUE)
plot(result.IRM, type = "Array")
plot(result.IRM, type = "FRP", nc = 3)
plot(result.IRM, type = "TRP")
Additionally, supplementary notes on the derivation of the Infinite Relational Model with Chinese restaurant process is here.
Bayesian Network Model
The Bayesian network model is a model that represents the conditional probabilities between items in a network format based on the pass rates of the items. By providing a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) between items externally, it calculates the conditional probabilities based on the specified graph. The igraph package is used for the analysis and representation of the network.
There are three ways to specify the graph. You can either pass a matrix-type DAG to the argument adj_matrix, pass a DAG described in a CSV file to the argument adj_file, or pass a graph-type object g used in the igraph package to the argument g.
The methods to create the matrix-type adj_matrix and the graph object g are as follows:
DAG <-
"Item01", "Item02",
"Item02", "Item03",
"Item02", "Item04",
"Item03", "Item05",
"Item04", "Item05"
ncol = 2, byrow = T
## graph object
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(DAG)
## Adjacency matrix
adj_mat <- as.matrix(igraph::get.adjacency(g))
A CSV file with the same information as the graph above in the following format. The first line contains column names (headers) and will not be read as data.
for (i in 1:nrow(DAG)) {
cat(sprintf("%s,%s\n", DAG[i, 1], DAG[i, 2]))
While only one specification is sufficient, if multiple specifications are provided, they will be prioritized in the order of file, matrix, and graph object.
An example of executing BNM by providing a graph structure (DAG) is as follows:
result.BNM <- BNM(J5S10, adj_matrix = adj_mat)
Structure Learning for Bayesian network with GA
The function searches for a DAG suitable for the data using a genetic algorithm. A best DAG is not necessarily identified. Instead of exploring all combinations of nodes and edges, only the space topologically sorted by the pass rate, namely the upper triangular matrix of the adjacency matrix, is explored. For interpretability, the number of parent nodes should be limited. A null model is not proposed. Utilize the content of the items and the experience of the questioner to aid in interpreting the results. For more details, please refer to Section 8.5 of the text(Shojima,2022).
Please note that the GA may take a considerable amount of time, depending on the number of items and the size of the population.
population = 20, Rs = 0.5, Rm = 0.002, maxParents = 2,
maxGeneration = 100, crossover = 2, elitism = 2
The method of Population-Based incremental learning proposed by Fukuda (2014) can also be used for learning. This method has several variations for estimating the optimal adjacency matrix at the end, which can be specified as options. See help or text Section 8.5.2.
population = 20, Rs = 0.5, Rm = 0.005, maxParents = 2,
alpha = 0.05, estimate = 4
Local Dependence Latent Rank Analysis
LD-LRA is an analysis that combines LRA and BNM, and it is used to analyze the network structure among items in the latent rank. In this function, structural learning is not performed, so you need to provide item graphs for each rank as separate files.
For each class, it is necessary to specify a graph, and there are three ways to do so. You can either pass a matrix-type DAG for each class or a list of graph-type objects used in the igraph package to the arguments adj_list or g_list, respectively, or you can provide a DAG described in a CSV file. The way to specify it in a CSV file is as follows.
DAG_dat <- matrix(c(
"From", "To", "Rank",
"Item01", "Item02", 1,
"Item04", "Item05", 1,
"Item01", "Item02", 2,
"Item02", "Item03", 2,
"Item04", "Item05", 2,
"Item08", "Item09", 2,
"Item08", "Item10", 2,
"Item09", "Item10", 2,
"Item08", "Item11", 2,
"Item01", "Item02", 3,
"Item02", "Item03", 3,
"Item04", "Item05", 3,
"Item08", "Item09", 3,
"Item08", "Item10", 3,
"Item09", "Item10", 3,
"Item08", "Item11", 3,
"Item02", "Item03", 4,
"Item04", "Item06", 4,
"Item04", "Item07", 4,
"Item05", "Item06", 4,
"Item05", "Item07", 4,
"Item08", "Item10", 4,
"Item08", "Item11", 4,
"Item09", "Item11", 4,
"Item02", "Item03", 5,
"Item04", "Item06", 5,
"Item04", "Item07", 5,
"Item05", "Item06", 5,
"Item05", "Item07", 5,
"Item09", "Item11", 5,
"Item10", "Item11", 5,
"Item10", "Item12", 5
), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# save csv file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(DAG_dat, edgeFile, row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)
Here, it is shown an example of specifying with matrix-type and graph objects using the aforementioned CSV file. While only one specification is sufficient, if multiple specifications are provided, they will be prioritized in the order of file, matrix, and graph object.
g_csv <- read.csv(edgeFile)
colnames(g_csv) <- c("From", "To", "Rank")
adj_list <- list()
g_list <- list()
for (i in 1:5) {
adj_R <- g_csv[g_csv$Rank == i, 1:2]
g_tmp <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_R)
adj_tmp <- igraph::get.adjacency(g_tmp)
g_list[[i]] <- g_tmp
adj_list[[i]] <- adj_tmp
## Example of graph list
### Example of adjacency list
The example of running the LDLRA function using this CSV file would look like this.
result.LDLRA <- LDLRA(J12S5000,
ncls = 5,
adj_file = edgeFile
Of course, it also supports various types of plots.
plot(result.LDLRA, type = "IRP", nc = 4, nr = 3)
plot(result.LDLRA, type = "TRP")
plot(result.LDLRA, type = "LRD")
# Clean up temporary file
Structure Learning for LDLRA with GA(PBIL)
You can learn item-interaction graphs for each rank using the PBIL algorithm. In addition to various options, the learning process requires a very long computation time. It's also important to note that the result is merely one of the feasible solutions, and it's not necessarily the optimal solution.
result.LDLRA.PBIL <- StrLearningPBIL_LDLRA(J35S515,
seed = 123,
ncls = 5,
method = "R",
elitism = 1,
successiveLimit = 15
Local Dependence Biclustering
Local Dependence Biclustering combines biclustering and Bayesian network models. The model requires three main components:
- Number of latent classes/ranks
- Field assignments for items
- Network structure between fields at each rank
Here's an example implementation:
# Create field configuration vector (assign items to fields)
conf <- c(1, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7, 7, 5, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 10, 1, 1, 7, 9, 10)
# Create edge data for network structure between fields
edges_data <- data.frame(
"From Field (Parent) >>>" = c(
6, 4, 5, 1, 1, 4, # Class/Rank 2
3, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, # Class/Rank 3
3, 6, 4, 1, # Class/Rank 4
7, 9, 6, 7 # Class/Rank 5
">>> To Field (Child)" = c(
8, 7, 8, 7, 2, 5, # Class/Rank 2
5, 8, 8, 4, 6, 7, # Class/Rank 3
5, 8, 5, 8, # Class/Rank 4
10, 10, 8, 9 # Class/Rank 5
"At Class/Rank (Locus)" = c(
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, # Class/Rank 2
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, # Class/Rank 3
4, 4, 4, 4, # Class/Rank 4
5, 5, 5, 5 # Class/Rank 5
# Save edge data to temporary file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(edges_data, file = edgeFile, row.names = FALSE)
# Fit Local Dependence Biclustering model
result.LDB <- LDB(
U = J35S515,
ncls = 5, # Number of latent classes
conf = conf, # Field configuration vector
adj_file = edgeFile # Network structure file
# Display model results
Additionally, as mentioned in the text (Shojima, 2022), it is often the case that seeking the network structure exploratively does not yield appropriate results, so it has not been implemented.
result.LDB <- LDB(U = J35S515, ncls = 5, conf = conf, adj_file = edgeFile)
# Clean up temporary file
Of course, it also supports various types of plots.
# Show bicluster structure
plot(result.LDB, type = "Array")
# Test Response Profile
plot(result.LDB, type = "TRP")
# Latent Rank Distribution
plot(result.LDB, type = "LRD")
# Rank Membership Profiles for first 9 students
plot(result.LDB, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)
# Field Reference Profiles
plot(result.LDB, type = "FRP", nc = 3, nr = 2)
In this model, you can draw a Field PIRP Profile that visualizes the correct answer count for each rank and each field.
plot(result.LDB, type = "FieldPIRP")
Bicluster Network Model
Bicluster Network Model: BINET is a model that combines the Bayesian network model and Biclustering. BINET is very similar to LDB and LDR.
The most significant difference is that in LDB, the nodes represent the fields, whereas in BINET, they represent the class. BINET explores the local dependency structure among latent classes at each latent field, where each field is a locus.
To execute this analysis, in addition to the dataset, the same field correspondence file used during exploratory Biclustering is required, as well as an adjacency matrix between classes.
# Create field configuration vector for item assignment
conf <- c(1, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 7, 7, 11, 11, 7, 7, 12, 12, 12, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 12, 1, 1, 6, 10, 10)
# Create edge data for network structure between classes
edges_data <- data.frame(
"From Class (Parent) >>>" = c(
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, # Dependencies in various fields
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
6, 6, 11, 8, 9, 12
">>> To Class (Child)" = c(
2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 11, # Target classes
3, 7, 9, 12, 12,
10, 8, 12, 12, 11, 13
"At Field (Locus)" = c(
1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, # Field locations
5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 12
# Save edge data to temporary file
edgeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(edges_data, file = edgeFile, row.names = FALSE)
The model requires three components:
- Field assignments for items (conf vector)
- Network structure between classes for each field
- Number of classes and fields
# Fit Bicluster Network Model
result.BINET <- BINET(
U = J35S515,
ncls = 13, # Maximum class number from edges (13)
nfld = 12, # Maximum field number from conf (12)
conf = conf, # Field configuration vector
adj_file = edgeFile # Network structure file
# Display model results
# Clean up temporary file
Of course, it also supports various types of plots.
# Show bicluster structure
plot(result.BINET, type = "Array")
# Test Response Profile
plot(result.BINET, type = "TRP")
# Latent Rank Distribution
plot(result.BINET, type = "LRD")
# Rank Membership Profiles for first 9 students
plot(result.BINET, type = "RMP", students = 1:9, nc = 3, nr = 3)
# Field Reference Profiles
plot(result.BINET, type = "FRP", nc = 3, nr = 2)
LDPSR plot shows all Passing Student Rates for all locally dependent classes compared with their respective parents.
# Locally Dependent Passing Student Rates
plot(result.BINET, type = "LDPSR", nc = 3, nr = 2)
Table of Model and Plotting Option Correspondence
Model/Type | IIC | ICC | TIC | IRP | FRP | TRP | LCD/LRD | CMP/RMP | Array | FieldPIRP | LDPSR |
IRT | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ||||||||
LCA | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ||||||
LRA | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ||||||
Biclustering | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | |||||
IRM | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ||||||||
LDLRA | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ||||||||
LDB | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | |||||
BINET | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ |
Community and Support
We welcome community involvement and feedback to improve exametrika
. Here's how you can participate and get support:
Reporting Issues
If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvements:
- Open an issue on GitHub Issues
- Provide a minimal reproducible example
- Include your R session information (
Discussions and Community
Join our GitHub Discussions:
- Ask questions
- Share your use cases
- Discuss feature requests
- Exchange tips and tricks
- Get updates about package development
We appreciate contributions from the community:
- Bug reports and feature requests through Issues
- Usage examples and tips through Discussions
- Code improvements through Pull Requests
Please check our existing Issues and Discussions before posting to avoid duplicates.
Shojima, Kojiro (2022) Test Data Engineering: Latent Rank Analysis, Biclustering, and Bayesian Network (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior, 13),Springer.
Future Updates
Upcoming Features
Polytomous Data Support
- Item Response Theory
- Graded Response Model (GRM)
- Partial Credit Model (PCM)
- Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM)
- Latent Structure Analysis
- Polytomous Latent Rank Model
- Polytomous Latent Class Analysis
- Extended Biclustering for polytomous data
Current Development Status
- Binary response models: ✅ Implemented
- Polytomous response models: 🚧 Under development
- CRAN submission: 🚧 In review
Follow our GitHub repository and join the Discussions to stay updated on development progress and provide feedback on desired features.