Analyse Eye Data.
A set of tools for eye data processing, analysis and visualisation in R
eyetools is a package that provides a set of simple tools that will facilitate common steps in the processing and analysis of eye data. It is intended for use with data from psychological experiments. The idea is to have a workflow which is aided by these functions, going from processing of the raw data, to extraction of event related data (i.e., fixations, saccades), to summarising those data at the trial level (e.g., time on areas of interest).
For an indepth guide to using eyetools, see the Get Started page.
It is free to use under the GNU General Public Licence.
To install use install.packages("eyetools")
Available functions in the latest CRAN version:
Implemented functions | Description |
AOI_seq() | Detect the sequence in which AOIs were entered in a trial |
AOI_time() | Calculate time on AOIs; works with raw and fixation data |
AOI_time_binned() | Binned time analysis of area of interest entries |
combine_eyes() | Combines binocular data (i.e., average or “best eye”) into monocular data |
compare_algorithms() | Provides a comparison between the dispersion and VTI fixation algorithms with correlations and plot |
conditional_transform() | Implements a single-axis flip for specific trials to normalise data with counterbalanced designs |
create_AOI_df() . | Create a blank data frame for populating with AOIs |
fixation_dispersion() | Dispersion algorithm for fixation detection |
fixation_VTI() | An algorithm that subtracts saccadic periods for fixation detection |
hdf5_to_df() | converts eyetracking data retrieved from TOBII eyetrackers to a dataframe |
hdf5_get_event() | A function to get the message event files from a TOBII-generated hdf5 files to dataframe |
interpolate() | Interpolates data across gaps; provides a summary report of repair |
plot_AOI_growth() | Plots absolute or proportional time spent in AOIs over time |
plot_heatmap() | Plots a heatmap of raw data. |
plot_seq() | provides a 2D plot of raw data for a single trial. Data can be split into time bins |
plot_spatial() | provides a 2D plot of raw data, fixations, saccades, and AOIs |
saccade_VTI() | Velocity threshold algorithm for saccade detection. Provides summary of velocity, location, duration |
smoother() | smooths data for use in saccade algorithms |
Development version:
The above CRAN version is considered fairly stable and will only be updated every few months. We work on new features in the development version. This version should be considered very experimental and may have bugs. You can install this using devtools::install_github("tombeesley/[email protected]")
where 0.X.X is the latest version.
The current development version is: 0.8.1
Additional functions that are only available in the latest development version:
Implemented functions | Description. |