Easy Use of R via Shiny App for Basic Analyses of Experimental Data.
Runs a Shiny App in the local machine for basic statistical and graphical analyses. The point-and-click interface of Shiny App enables obtaining the same analysis outputs (e.g., plots and tables) more quickly, as compared with typing the required code in R, especially for users without much experience or expertise with coding. Examples of possible analyses include tabulating descriptive statistics for a variable, creating histograms by experimental groups, and creating a scatter plot and calculating the correlation between two variables.
Point and click with your mouse to conduct basic analyses and create graphics quickly and easily.
This package will run a “Shiny App” on your local machine, which allows you to analyze data without the need to type a line of code.
You do not need to know anything about R to use this tool.
Examples of things you can do include (but are not limited to):
- tabulating descriptive statistics for a variable
- creating a frequency table for a variable
- creating histograms by experimental group
- creating a scatter plot
- calculating a correlation between two variables
You can install the released version of kim from CRAN with:
You can also install the development version from GitHub with:
Here are some examples of using this package.
# Start the Shiny server on a local machine
start_ezr(data = mtcars)