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Functional Latent Data Models for Clustering Heterogeneous Curves ('FLaMingos').

Provides a variety of original and flexible user-friendly statistical latent variable models for the simultaneous clustering and segmentation of heterogeneous functional data (i.e time series, or more generally longitudinal data, fitted by unsupervised algorithms, including EM algorithms. Functional Latent Data Models for Clustering heterogeneous curves ('FLaMingos') are originally introduced and written in 'Matlab' by Faicel Chamroukhi <>. The references are mainly the following ones. Chamroukhi F. (2010) <>. Chamroukhi F., Same A., Govaert, G. and Aknin P. (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2009.12.023>. Chamroukhi F., Same A., Aknin P. and Govaert G. (2011). <doi:10.1109/IJCNN.2011.6033590>. Same A., Chamroukhi F., Govaert G. and Aknin, P. (2011) <doi:10.1007/s11634-011-0096-5>. Chamroukhi F., and Glotin H. (2012) <doi:10.1109/IJCNN.2012.6252818>. Chamroukhi F., Glotin H. and Same A. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2012.10.030>. Chamroukhi F. (2015) <>. Chamroukhi F. and Nguyen H-D. (2019) <doi:10.1002/widm.1298>.

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FLaMingos: Functional Latent datAModels for clusterING heterogeneOus curveS

flamingos is an open-source toolbox (available in R and in Matlab) for the simultaneous clustering and segmentation of heterogeneous functional data (i.e time-series ore more generally longitudinal data), with original and flexible functional latent variable models, fitted by unsupervised algorithms, including EM algorithms.

Our nice FLaMingos are mainly:

  • mixRHLP;
  • mixHMM;
  • mixHMMR.

The models and algorithms are developped and written in Matlab by Faicel Chamroukhi, and translated and designed into R packages by Florian Lecocq, Marius Bartcus and Faicel Chamroukhi.


You can install the flamingos package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

To build vignettes for examples of usage, type the command below instead:

# install.packages("devtools")
                         build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"), 
                         build_vignettes = TRUE)

Use the following command to display vignettes:



x <- toydataset$x
Y <- t(toydataset[,2:ncol(toydataset)])

K <- 3 # Number of clusters
R <- 3 # Number of regimes (polynomial regression components)
p <- 1 # Degree of the polynomials
q <- 1 # Order of the logistic regression (by default 1 for contiguous segmentation)
variance_type <- "heteroskedastic" # "heteroskedastic" or "homoskedastic" model

n_tries <- 1
max_iter <- 1000
threshold <- 1e-5
verbose <- TRUE
verbose_IRLS <- FALSE
init_kmeans <- TRUE

mixrhlp <- emMixRHLP(X = x, Y = Y, K, R, p, q, variance_type, init_kmeans, 
                     n_tries, max_iter, threshold, verbose, verbose_IRLS)
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 1 | log-likelihood: -18129.8169520025
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 2 | log-likelihood: -16642.732267463
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 3 | log-likelihood: -16496.947898833
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 4 | log-likelihood: -16391.6755568235
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 5 | log-likelihood: -16308.151649539
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 6 | log-likelihood: -16242.6749975019
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 7 | log-likelihood: -16187.9951484578
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 8 | log-likelihood: -16138.360050325
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 9 | log-likelihood: -16092.9430959116
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 10 | log-likelihood: -16053.588838999
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 11 | log-likelihood: -16020.7365667916
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 12 | log-likelihood: -15993.7513179937
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 13 | log-likelihood: -15972.7088032469
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 14 | log-likelihood: -15957.3889127412
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 15 | log-likelihood: -15946.5663566082
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 16 | log-likelihood: -15938.693534838
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 17 | log-likelihood: -15932.584112949
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 18 | log-likelihood: -15927.5299507605
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 19 | log-likelihood: -15923.1499635319
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 20 | log-likelihood: -15919.2392546398
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 21 | log-likelihood: -15915.6795793534
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 22 | log-likelihood: -15912.3944381959
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 23 | log-likelihood: -15909.327585346
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 24 | log-likelihood: -15906.4326405988
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 25 | log-likelihood: -15903.6678636145
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 26 | log-likelihood: -15900.9933370165
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 27 | log-likelihood: -15898.3692402859
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 28 | log-likelihood: -15895.7545341827
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 29 | log-likelihood: -15893.1056775993
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 30 | log-likelihood: -15890.3751610539
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 31 | log-likelihood: -15887.5097378815
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 32 | log-likelihood: -15884.4482946475
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 33 | log-likelihood: -15881.1193453446
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 34 | log-likelihood: -15877.4381561224
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 35 | log-likelihood: -15873.3037170772
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 36 | log-likelihood: -15868.595660791
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 37 | log-likelihood: -15863.171868441
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 38 | log-likelihood: -15856.8678694783
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 39 | log-likelihood: -15849.5002500459
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 40 | log-likelihood: -15840.8778843568
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 41 | log-likelihood: -15830.8267303162
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 42 | log-likelihood: -15819.2343887404
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 43 | log-likelihood: -15806.11425583
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 44 | log-likelihood: -15791.6651550126
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 45 | log-likelihood: -15776.2575311116
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 46 | log-likelihood: -15760.2525673176
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 47 | log-likelihood: -15743.6600428386
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 48 | log-likelihood: -15725.8494727209
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 49 | log-likelihood: -15705.5392028324
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 50 | log-likelihood: -15681.0330055801
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 51 | log-likelihood: -15650.7058006772
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 52 | log-likelihood: -15614.1891628978
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 53 | log-likelihood: -15574.3209962234
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 54 | log-likelihood: -15536.9561042095
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 55 | log-likelihood: -15505.9888676546
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 56 | log-likelihood: -15480.3479747868
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 57 | log-likelihood: -15456.7432033066
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 58 | log-likelihood: -15432.855894347
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 59 | log-likelihood: -15408.4123139152
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 60 | log-likelihood: -15384.7708355233
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 61 | log-likelihood: -15363.3704926307
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 62 | log-likelihood: -15344.3247788467
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 63 | log-likelihood: -15326.444200793
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 64 | log-likelihood: -15308.1502066517
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 65 | log-likelihood: -15288.3650661699
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 66 | log-likelihood: -15267.1380314858
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 67 | log-likelihood: -15245.8151021308
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 68 | log-likelihood: -15226.3007649639
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 69 | log-likelihood: -15209.9671868432
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 70 | log-likelihood: -15197.3697193674
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 71 | log-likelihood: -15187.8845852548
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 72 | log-likelihood: -15180.4065779427
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 73 | log-likelihood: -15174.1897193241
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 74 | log-likelihood: -15168.8680084075
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 75 | log-likelihood: -15164.1615627415
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 76 | log-likelihood: -15159.6679572457
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 77 | log-likelihood: -15155.1488045656
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 78 | log-likelihood: -15150.9231858137
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 79 | log-likelihood: -15147.2212168192
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 80 | log-likelihood: -15144.078942659
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 81 | log-likelihood: -15141.3516305636
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 82 | log-likelihood: -15138.8602529876
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 83 | log-likelihood: -15136.5059345662
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 84 | log-likelihood: -15134.2384537766
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 85 | log-likelihood: -15132.0298589309
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 86 | log-likelihood: -15129.8608706576
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 87 | log-likelihood: -15127.7157936565
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 88 | log-likelihood: -15125.5797196054
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 89 | log-likelihood: -15123.4372146492
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 90 | log-likelihood: -15121.2712280838
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 91 | log-likelihood: -15119.0622569401
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 92 | log-likelihood: -15116.7874031382
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 93 | log-likelihood: -15114.4192658119
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 94 | log-likelihood: -15111.9245293407
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 95 | log-likelihood: -15109.262047444
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 96 | log-likelihood: -15106.3802520661
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 97 | log-likelihood: -15103.2137059945
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 98 | log-likelihood: -15099.6787565231
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 99 | log-likelihood: -15095.6664401258
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 100 | log-likelihood: -15091.0341403017
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 101 | log-likelihood: -15085.5952981967
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 102 | log-likelihood: -15079.1100803411
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 103 | log-likelihood: -15071.2863215881
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 104 | log-likelihood: -15061.8155026615
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 105 | log-likelihood: -15050.4931948422
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 106 | log-likelihood: -15037.4728804542
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 107 | log-likelihood: -15023.5663638262
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 108 | log-likelihood: -15010.227713049
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 109 | log-likelihood: -14998.9216243488
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 110 | log-likelihood: -14990.3428946115
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 111 | log-likelihood: -14984.2931646741
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 112 | log-likelihood: -14980.0317050997
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 113 | log-likelihood: -14976.7574542595
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 114 | log-likelihood: -14973.9768267566
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 115 | log-likelihood: -14971.5304235767
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 116 | log-likelihood: -14969.3710026547
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 117 | log-likelihood: -14967.3301314624
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 118 | log-likelihood: -14965.1319732928
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 119 | log-likelihood: -14962.818626259
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 120 | log-likelihood: -14961.1657986148
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 121 | log-likelihood: -14960.1001793804
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 122 | log-likelihood: -14959.2029493404
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 123 | log-likelihood: -14958.3643653619
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 124 | log-likelihood: -14957.5579272948
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 125 | log-likelihood: -14956.7769206505
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 126 | log-likelihood: -14956.0220832192
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 127 | log-likelihood: -14955.2990068376
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 128 | log-likelihood: -14954.6080936987
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 129 | log-likelihood: -14953.9546052572
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 130 | log-likelihood: -14953.3424683065
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 131 | log-likelihood: -14952.7742704947
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 132 | log-likelihood: -14952.2512735504
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 133 | log-likelihood: -14951.7732467988
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 134 | log-likelihood: -14951.3384384815
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 135 | log-likelihood: -14950.9439547413
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 136 | log-likelihood: -14950.5860673359
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 137 | log-likelihood: -14950.2605961901
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 138 | log-likelihood: -14949.9632302133
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 139 | log-likelihood: -14949.6897803656
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 140 | log-likelihood: -14949.4363440458
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 141 | log-likelihood: -14949.1993934329
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 142 | log-likelihood: -14948.9758045711
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 143 | log-likelihood: -14948.7628462595
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 144 | log-likelihood: -14948.5581447387
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 145 | log-likelihood: -14948.3596363733
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 146 | log-likelihood: -14948.1655161518
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 147 | log-likelihood: -14947.9741866833
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 148 | log-likelihood: -14947.7842100466
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 149 | log-likelihood: -14947.5942633197
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 150 | log-likelihood: -14947.4030977377
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 151 | log-likelihood: -14947.2095010109
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 152 | log-likelihood: -14947.0122620331
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 153 | log-likelihood: -14946.8101371804
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 154 | log-likelihood: -14946.6018173877
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 155 | log-likelihood: -14946.3858952193
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 156 | log-likelihood: -14946.1608312027
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 157 | log-likelihood: -14945.9249187549
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 158 | log-likelihood: -14945.676247118
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 159 | log-likelihood: -14945.4126618353
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 160 | log-likelihood: -14945.1317224602
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 161 | log-likelihood: -14944.8306573941
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 162 | log-likelihood: -14944.5063160023
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 163 | log-likelihood: -14944.1551184229
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 164 | log-likelihood: -14943.7730037188
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 165 | log-likelihood: -14943.355377134
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 166 | log-likelihood: -14942.8970570836
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 167 | log-likelihood: -14942.3922219831
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 168 | log-likelihood: -14941.8343559995
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 169 | log-likelihood: -14941.2161912546
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 170 | log-likelihood: -14940.5296397031
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 171 | log-likelihood: -14939.7657190993
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 172 | log-likelihood: -14938.9144460343
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 173 | log-likelihood: -14937.9647057519
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 174 | log-likelihood: -14936.9040831122
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 175 | log-likelihood: -14935.7186499891
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 176 | log-likelihood: -14934.3927038884
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 177 | log-likelihood: -14932.9084527435
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 178 | log-likelihood: -14931.245639997
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 179 | log-likelihood: -14929.3811026273
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 180 | log-likelihood: -14927.2882537299
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 181 | log-likelihood: -14924.9364821865
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 182 | log-likelihood: -14922.2904675358
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 183 | log-likelihood: -14919.3094231961
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 184 | log-likelihood: -14915.9463144684
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 185 | log-likelihood: -14912.1471647651
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 186 | log-likelihood: -14907.8506901999
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 187 | log-likelihood: -14902.9887290339
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 188 | log-likelihood: -14897.4883102736
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 189 | log-likelihood: -14891.27676833
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 190 | log-likelihood: -14884.2919447409
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 191 | log-likelihood: -14876.4995909623
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 192 | log-likelihood: -14867.9179321727
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 193 | log-likelihood: -14858.6442978196
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 194 | log-likelihood: -14848.8804338117
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 195 | log-likelihood: -14838.9872847758
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 196 | log-likelihood: -14829.6292321768
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 197 | log-likelihood: -14821.8717823403
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 198 | log-likelihood: -14816.6461672058
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 199 | log-likelihood: -14813.7497363742
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 200 | log-likelihood: -14812.2267827519
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 201 | log-likelihood: -14811.4198287137
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 202 | log-likelihood: -14811.0049217051
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 203 | log-likelihood: -14810.7960368513
#> EM - mixRHLP: Iteration: 204 | log-likelihood: -14810.6883875777

#> ------------------------
#> Fitted mixRHLP model
#> ------------------------
#> MixRHLP model with K = 3 clusters and R = 3 regimes:
#>  log-likelihood nu       AIC       BIC       ICL
#>       -14810.69 41 -14851.69 -14880.41 -14880.41
#> Clustering table (Number of curves in each clusters):
#>  1  2  3 
#> 10 10 10 
#> Mixing probabilities (cluster weights):
#>          1         2         3
#>  0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 1 (k = 1):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1    4.96556671   6.7326717   4.8807183
#> X^1  0.08880479   0.4984443   0.1350271
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9559969       1.03849     0.9506928
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 2 (k = 2):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1     6.8902863   5.1134337  3.90153421
#> X^1   0.9265632  -0.3959402  0.08748466
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>       0.981915     0.9787717     0.9702211
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 3 (k = 3):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1     6.3513369    4.214736   6.6536553
#> X^1  -0.2449377    0.839666   0.1024863
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9498285     0.9270384      1.001413


Y <- t(toydataset[,2:ncol(toydataset)])

K <- 3 # Number of clusters
R <- 3 # Number of regimes (HMM states)
variance_type <- "heteroskedastic" # "heteroskedastic" or "homoskedastic" model

ordered_states <- TRUE
n_tries <- 1
max_iter <- 1000
init_kmeans <- TRUE
threshold <- 1e-6
verbose <- TRUE

mixhmm <- emMixHMM(Y = Y, K, R, variance_type, ordered_states, init_kmeans, 
                   n_tries, max_iter, threshold, verbose)
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 1 | log-likelihood: -19054.7157954833
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 2 | log-likelihood: -15386.7973253636
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 3 | log-likelihood: -15141.8435629464
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 4 | log-likelihood: -15058.7251666378
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 5 | log-likelihood: -15055.5058566489
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 6 | log-likelihood: -15055.4877310423
#> EM - mixHMMs: Iteration: 7 | log-likelihood: -15055.4876146553

#> -----------------------
#> Fitted mixHMM model
#> -----------------------
#> MixHMM model with K = 3 clusters and R = 3 regimes:
#>  log-likelihood nu       AIC       BIC
#>       -15055.49 41 -15096.49 -15125.21
#> Clustering table (Number of curves in each clusters):
#>  1  2  3 
#> 10 10 10 
#> Mixing probabilities (cluster weights):
#>          1         2         3
#>  0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333
#> -------------------
#> Cluster 1 (k = 1):
#> Means:
#>    r = 1    r = 2    r = 3
#>  7.00202 4.964273 3.979626
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9858726     0.9884542     0.9651437
#> -------------------
#> Cluster 2 (k = 2):
#> Means:
#>     r = 1    r = 2    r = 3
#>  4.987066 6.963998 4.987279
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9578459      1.045573      0.952294
#> -------------------
#> Cluster 3 (k = 3):
#> Means:
#>     r = 1    r = 2    r = 3
#>  6.319189 4.583954 6.722627
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9571803     0.9504731       1.01553


x <- toydataset$x
Y <- t(toydataset[,2:ncol(toydataset)])

K <- 3 # Number of clusters
R <- 3 # Number of regimes/states
p <- 1 # Degree of the polynomial regression
variance_type <- "heteroskedastic" # "heteroskedastic" or "homoskedastic" model

ordered_states <- TRUE
n_tries <- 1
max_iter <- 1000
init_kmeans <- TRUE
threshold <- 1e-6
verbose <- TRUE

mixhmmr <- emMixHMMR(X = x, Y = Y, K, R, p, variance_type, ordered_states, 
                     init_kmeans, n_tries, max_iter, threshold, verbose)
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 1 || log-likelihood: -18975.6323298895
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 2 || log-likelihood: -15198.5811534058
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 3 || log-likelihood: -15118.0350455527
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 4 || log-likelihood: -15086.2933826057
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 5 || log-likelihood: -15084.2502053712
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 6 || log-likelihood: -15083.7770153797
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 7 || log-likelihood: -15083.3586992156
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 8 || log-likelihood: -15082.8291034608
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 9 || log-likelihood: -15082.2407744542
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 10 || log-likelihood: -15081.6808462523
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 11 || log-likelihood: -15081.175618676
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 12 || log-likelihood: -15080.5819574865
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 13 || log-likelihood: -15079.3118011276
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 14 || log-likelihood: -15076.8073408977
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 15 || log-likelihood: -15073.8399600893
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 16 || log-likelihood: -15067.6884092484
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 17 || log-likelihood: -15054.9127597414
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 18 || log-likelihood: -15049.4000307536
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 19 || log-likelihood: -15049.0221351022
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 20 || log-likelihood: -15048.997021329
#> EM - mixHMMR: Iteration: 21 || log-likelihood: -15048.9949507534

#> ------------------------
#> Fitted mixHMMR model
#> ------------------------
#> MixHMMR model with K = 3 clusters and R = 3 regimes:
#>  log-likelihood nu       AIC       BIC       ICL
#>       -15048.99 50 -15098.99 -15134.02 -15134.02
#> Clustering table (Number of curves in each clusters):
#>  1  2  3 
#> 10 10 10 
#> Mixing probabilities (cluster weights):
#>          1         2         3
#>  0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 1 (k = 1):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1      6.870328   5.1511267   3.9901300
#> X^1    1.204150  -0.4601777  -0.0155753
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9776399     0.9895623       0.96457
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 2 (k = 2):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1     4.9512819   6.8393804   4.9076599
#> X^1   0.2099508   0.2822775   0.1031626
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9576192      1.045043      0.952047
#> --------------------
#> Cluster 3 (k = 3):
#> Regression coefficients for each regime/segment r (r=1...R):
#>     Beta(r = 1) Beta(r = 2) Beta(r = 3)
#> 1     6.3552432   4.2868818   6.5327846
#> X^1  -0.2865404   0.6907212   0.2429291
#> Variances:
#>  Sigma2(r = 1) Sigma2(r = 2) Sigma2(r = 3)
#>      0.9587975     0.9481068       1.01388



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