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Gene Set Analysis Using the Gene Set Ordinal Association Test.

Perform gene set enrichment analyses using the Gene set Ordinal Association Test (GOAT) algorithm and visualize your results. Koopmans, F. (2024) <doi:10.1101/2023.12.10.570979>.

The Gene set Ordinal Association Test (GOAT) is a parameter-free permutation-based algorithm for geneset enrichment analysis of preranked genelists. The full algorithm is computationally efficient and completes in the order of seconds and within 1 second when using precomputed null distributions. Validations using synthetic data show that estimated geneset p-values are well calibrated under the null hypothesis and invariant to geneset size. Application to various real-world proteomics and gene expression studies demonstrates that GOAT consistently identifies more significant Gene Ontology terms as compared to alternative methods.

The GOAT algorithm has not been published yet but a preprint is available, please cite it when using the early-access version of GOAT;

Koopmans, F. (2023). GOAT: efficient and robust identification of geneset enrichment.

Online tool

This GitHub repository contains the source-code for the GOAT R package and shows how to use it. Alternatively, check out the user-friendly GOAT online tool at

Installing the R package

1) Preparing system dependencies


  • Install R version 4.1.0 (or higher)
  • Install RTools, available from
    • the RTools version you download/install from this link should match your current R version
    • if you don't know your currently installed R version (e.g. you already have R and RStudio but not RTools); start RStudio and check the version reported in the Console (bottom-left of the screen)
  • Reboot your computer
  • Install RStudio


  • For Apple computers, we suggest installing R from
    • if your current R version is below 4.3, you might have to upgrade by following these instructions to install R (installation process hasn't been tested with R 4.1 or 4.2 yet on MacOS)
    • download the installer for the current version listed under "R-4.X-branch"
      • note the difference between ARM (M1/M2/M3) and Intel-based
    • don't use the devel/unstable
  • Install the 2 Mandatory tools described in (Xcode and Fortran compiler)
    • following the official instructions linked here, the versions of R and these tools will be compatible and you should be able to install R packages from source
  • Install RStudio
  • Start RStudio and install the rstudioapi package before proceeding with GOAT R package installation; install.packages("rstudioapi")

potential issues;

  • Directory of lock file does not exist: /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/pkgcache/pkg during installation suggests you lack write permission to (some part of) this path. Solution; check that this path exists (create if missing) and give your current OS user write permission (at least to the last 4 directories in this path)
  • ld: library not found for -lgfortran if this is among your error messages, the Fortran compiler is not installed (see second step in MacOS install instructions to resolve this)
  • Failed to build source package <name> --> either Xcode/Fortran is not installed (step 2 in above instructions), or their version doesn't line up with your current R version


R version 4.1.0 (or higher) and toolchains for compilation are required. Suggested installation steps that include all system dependencies that we identified, for all (recursive) R packages that GOAT depends upon;

  • Fedora;
    • sudo dnf install R libcurl-devel libssl-devel libxml2-devel gmp-devel glpk-devel
  • Ubuntu;
    • add R package repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (per instructions in above link)
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev openssl-dev libxml2-dev libgmp-dev libglpk-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libgmp3-dev
      • if your system reports "Unable to locate package openssl-dev", replace openssl-dev with libssl-dev
  • (optional) install RStudio and then install.packages("rstudioapi")
  • (if prompted, install packages into a personal library)
  • install the R.utils package; start R (R on commandline), then install.packages('R.utils')

if some of the above dependencies in Fedora/Ubuntu are missing, you may encounter issues such as;

  • eval: make: not found --> toolchain for compilation is missing, execute the above installation steps
  • Failed to build source package <name> --> scroll up a bit to find the suggested solution. e.g. Missing 2 system packages. You'll probably need to install them manually: (followed by missing packages that need to be installed via dnf/apt)

2) Install the GOAT R package

The GOAT R package is available from GitHub (latest updates) and CRAN (most recent major release). Installation should be performed in a new RStudio session; close RStudio if currently opened, then start RStudio anew.

install the latest version from GitHub

# if needed, install the package manager that we'll use to install GOAT in the next step
if (!requireNamespace("pak", quietly = TRUE)) 
# install latest goat version and all optional dependencies, but skip non-essential updates from other packages
pak::pkg_install("ftwkoopmans/goat", dependencies = TRUE, upgrade = FALSE)

Alternatively, install the package from CRAN

# use the BiocManager tool to install optional goat dependencies from Bioconductor 
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) 
BiocManager::install(c("AnnotationDbi", "GO.db", ""))
# install the optional goat dependency fGSEA from GitHub using "pak"
if (!requireNamespace("pak", quietly = TRUE)) 
pak::pkg_install("ctlab/fgsea", upgrade = FALSE)
# finally, install goat from CRAN


  • if pak::pkg_install("ftwkoopmans/goat", upgrade = FALSE) yields error like ! Failed to build source package goat then (most likely) the toolchain for compilation is missing. Follow above instructions for Windows/MacOS/Linux
  • if the installation of optional dependencies (e.g. Bioconductor packages) cause problems, try to set the pak::pkg_install parameter dependencies = NA to skip these


Just show me the code! Download test data, apply GOAT, store result table.


# download an example gene list
datasets = download_goat_manuscript_data(output_dir = getwd())
genelist = datasets$`Wingo 2020:mass-spec:PMID32424284`

# download GO genesets
genesets_asis = download_genesets_goatrepo(output_dir = getwd())

# filter genesets for sufficient overlap with the genelist, then apply GOAT
genesets_filtered = filter_genesets(genesets_asis, genelist)
result = test_genesets(genesets_filtered, genelist, method = "goat",
  score_type = "effectsize", padj_method = "bonferroni", padj_cutoff = 0.05)

# print first 10 rows of the result table
print(result |> select(source, name, ngenes, pvalue_adjust) |> utils::head(n=10))

# store geneset table and Methods text
save_genesets(result, genelist, filename = "goat.xlsx")

Tutorial: using the GOAT R package

This tutorial assumes you have successfully installed the R package as per instructions above.

We'll use GOAT to identify enriched GO terms in an example proteomics dataset. Besides the comments that accompany each step in the example below, you can also check the respective R function documentation for further details (e.g. ?goat::load_genesets_go_fromfile). Below code will generate;

  • an output table with geneset p-values
  • a logfile that includes Methods text adapted to your settings
  • basic visualizations of significant genesets

load the R package and set working directory


# Optionally, set the working directory (where input/output files from this example are stored).
# This path will be printed to console later on in the example so you can always find your results.
# setwd("C:/DATA") # e.g. on Windows, this is how one would set the working directory to C:/DATA

gene list

A preranked gene list is here defined as a table of gene identifiers and their respective effect sizes and/or p-values that indicate association with some experimental condition (e.g. summary statistics from an OMICS-based study). Below code downloads datasets that were analyzed in the GOAT manuscript and loads 1 as the genelist to be used in this tutorial. Documentation in the next section ("Preparing your gene list as input for GOAT") shows how to prepare your own data table / gene list.

datasets = download_goat_manuscript_data(output_dir = getwd())
genelist = datasets$`Wingo 2020:mass-spec:PMID32424284`

gene sets

A gene set can be any set of genes of interest; it is typically defined as a set of genes that are known members of the same biological pathway, localized to the same (sub)cellular compartment, co-expressed under certain conditions or associated with some disorder as defined in a geneset database such as GO. In the GOAT R package (and online tool) one tests for enrichment of top-ranked genes in the input gene list against each geneset from some collection/database (e.g. in below example we use the GO database).

There are 3 ways to obtain GO genesets:

A) manually download latest GO data files directly from their respective source, then load these using GOAT. See further: ?load_genesets_go_fromfile() B) use R function to download GO data files stored at the GOAT GitHub repository (updated biannually). See further: ?download_genesets_goatrepo() C) use R function to download GO data via Bioconductor. Importantly, these might be outdated as the GO version obtained depends on your R installation/version. See further: ?load_genesets_go_bioconductor()

We here follow option (B)

genesets_asis = download_genesets_goatrepo(output_dir = getwd())

filter genesets

Importantly, we first filter all gene sets to retain those relevant to your gene list. In this example we use default (recommended) parameters only retain gene sets with at least 10 genes that are also in your genelist and remove those that contain more than 1500 genes that overlap with your gene list.

It is crucial that this function is applied for each genelist that you want to analyze because the resulting genesets_filtered table is only valid for the genelist you are using at the moment.

genesets_filtered = filter_genesets(genesets_asis, genelist, min_overlap = 10, max_overlap = 1500)

geneset enrichment testing

Apply the GOAT algorithm, then perform multiple testing correction using the Bonferroni method and consider proteins with adjusted p-value <= 0.05 as significant. We here test for enrichment in the 'effectsize' column of your genelist. Alternatively, to test enrichment in the gene p-value dimension, replace 'effectsize' with 'pvalue' To use FDR for multiple testing correction instead of the stringent Bonferroni method, set padj_method = "BH"

result = test_genesets(genesets_filtered, genelist, method = "goat", score_type = "effectsize", padj_method = "bonferroni", padj_cutoff = 0.05)

# print the significant GO term counts, per geneset 'source' (CC/BP/MF), to console
print(result |> group_by(source) |> summarise(signif_count = sum(signif), .groups="drop"))

# print the top 25 significant genesets (for simplicity, only select key data columns)
print(result |> filter(signif) |> head(n=25) |> select(source, name, ngenes, pvalue_adjust))

save results

Store the results as an Excel table, and create a logfile that documents the GOAT settings you used. This logfile also includes Methods text tailored to your settings that is ready for use in scientific publications.

save_genesets(result, genelist, filename = "goat.xlsx")

visualize results

Generate lollipop charts for each GO domain (CC/BP/MF), with geneset -log10 adjusted p-value on the x-axis and color-coding by geneset up/down-regulation. Refer to the function documentation for alternative plot options (e.g. color-code by oddsratio on x-axis or create a barplot instead of a lollipop chart).

plot_lollipop(result, output_dir = getwd(), topn = 50, plot_type = "lollipop", score_xaxis = "minlogp", score_color = "updown")

cat("output files are available at:", getwd(), "\n")

Preparing your gene list as input for GOAT

Gene identifiers used as input in the GOAT R package are Human NCBI Entrez gene IDs (other species currently not supported).


The expected format for your gene list is a data.frame (or 'tibble') that contains the following named columns;

  • gene = required column with gene integer values (Human Entrez gene IDs)
  • symbol = optional column with gene symbols that will be merged into the output tables
  • signif = required column with logical (boolean) values that indicate which genes are foreground (TRUE) and background (FALSE). While not used in the GOAT algorithm, this is used by some general-purpose functions that e.g. prepare output tables
  • pvalue required if you are using GOAT with score_type='pvalue' ; a column with finite numeric values
  • effectsize required if you are using GOAT with score_type='effectsize' ; a column with finite numeric values

example data

First 3 lines of a table with only pvalue data that is used for GOAT (with score_type='pvalue');


You may add the required signif column to indicate all genes with pvalue < 0.01 are considered foreground/significant using this R statement, assuming above genelist data.frame is called 'genelist'; genelist$signif = genelist$pvalue < 0.01

but what if I only have gene symbols and no Entrez gene identifiers?

The GOAT R package includes a convenience function to map gene symbols to human Entrez gene IDs; symbol_to_entrez

First, you need to download a data table from the website;

  • download link:
  • table: "Complete dataset download links" --> "Complete HGNC approved dataset" --> download the "TXT" table
  • filename is typically something like hgnc_complete_set.txt

Next, you prepare a data.frame in R that holds your gene symbols and their respective pvalues and effectsizes, which might look like this;


The following R code will map these genes to entrez and report the success/fail rate to console;

# TODO: update this file path to where you stored the HGNC data table (download link in above instructions)
file_hgnc = "C:/data/hgnc_complete_set.txt"
hgnc = hgnc_idmap_table(file_hgnc)
genelist = symbol_to_entrez(genelist, hgnc)
# the genelist table now contains Entrez gene IDs in the column 'gene'

As a next step you will need to remove failed gene mappings (i.e. no Entrez gene id was found) and remove redundant genes (same entrez_id) as shown in the next section.

example R snippet to remove invalid rows

Suppose that you prepared a data.frame named 'genelist' as in the above example and want to remove all rows that lack a valid value for 'gene', or remove duplicates (same gene ID on multiple rows). Then the following R snippet (that uses the dplyr package) is convenient;

genelist = genelist |>
  # remove rows that do not contain a numeric value for gene or pvalue
  filter(is.finite(gene) & is.finite(pvalue)) |>
  # sort the table by smallest/best pvalues on top
  arrange(pvalue) |>
  # retain only the first row for each unique gene
  distinct(gene, .keep_all = TRUE)

Importing genesets

Several options are available to import genesets from various sources. For each, please refer to the function documentation in R (e.g. issue the R command ?load_genesets_go_fromfile) for further explanation and suggested download links to data files.

  • function load_genesets_go_fromfile : Load GO genesets directly from gene2go and .OBO files stored on your computer. See the function help for download instructions. This ensures you always use the exact same GO geneset definitions and gives you full control over the GO version used in your analyses.

  • function download_genesets_goatrepo : Automatically download GO genesets from the GOAT GitHub repository. Data files are updated bianually. Note that this function currently does NOT automatically download the latest version, i.e. it defaults to genesets from 2024-01-01.

  • function load_genesets_go_bioconductor : Automatically download GO genesets via Bioconductor. Note that the GO database version that is obtained may lag behind current data available from GO by years ! (depending on your currently installed R/Bioconductor version). The available GO data version is printed to console, keep an eye on this. If strongly outdated, either use the canonical load_genesets_go_fromfile function or update your R installation to the current release.

  • function load_genesets_syngo : Load synaptic gene ontology (SynGO) genesets obtained from (see the function help for download instructions)

  • function load_genesets_gmtfile : Load genesets from GMT files, a common file format for genesets (e.g. KEGG pathways obtained via MSigDB)

Geneset simplification

A basic geneset*geneset similarity metric can be used to cluster gene sets, allowing you to quickly identify redundant results (groups of gene sets that have strong overlap).

Assuming you ran the quickstart example above, the following code will generate heatmap figures that may aid the interpretation of your GOAT results in case a large number of significant genesets were identified;

# this function generates geneset*geneset similarity matrices
clusters = cluster_genesets(result, genelist)

# find the subset of non-overlapping genesets. See the function documentation for tweaking these parameters using R command; ?reduce_genesets
# in brief, to collapse/reduce to a smaller list of genesets, lower simscore_threshold to e.g. 0.85 or 0.8  and/or  signifgenes_fraction to e.g. 0.8
result = reduce_genesets(clusters, simscore_threshold = 0.9, universe_fraction = 0.25, signifgenes_fraction = 0.9)

# print signif geneset counts to console, before and after simplification
print(result |> filter(signif) |> count(source))
print(result |> filter(signif_and_reduced) |> count(source))

# generate heatmaps for each GO domain (CC/BP/MF). Again, don't forget to change the output directory to an existing directory on your computer and use forward slashes in the file path
plot_heatmap(clusters, output_dir = getwd())

# repeat the lollipop plots made before, but now only for geneset that remain after simplification. See the function documentation for tweaking the plot, e.g. plotting only a subset of genesets/results
plot_lollipop(result, output_dir = getwd(), only_reduced = TRUE, plot_type = "lollipop", score_xaxis = "minlogp", score_color = "updown")

cat("output files are available at:", getwd(), "\n")





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