GREGORY Estimation.
Functions which make using the Generalized Regression Estimator(GREG) J.N.K. Rao, Isabel Molina, (2015) <doi:10.3390/f11020244> and the Generalized Regression Estimator Operating on Resolutions of Y (GREGORY) easier. The functions are designed to work well within a forestry context, and estimate multiple estimation units at once. Compared to other survey estimation packages, this function has greater flexibility when describing the linear model.
The goal of gregRy
is to make the GREGORY estimator easily available to use.
The development version of gregRy
is available from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Example Computations
The package gregRy
does not contain a dataset, which is why our example utilizes the package pdxTrees
# load and wrangle data
# Overall dataset to create estimates with
# Includes response variable and predictors
family_filter_data <- get_pdxTrees_parks() %>% %>%
drop_na(DBH, Crown_Width_NS, Tree_Height) %>%
filter(Condition != "Dead") %>%
select(UserID, Tree_Height, Crown_Width_NS, DBH, Condition, Family) %>%
group_by(Family) %>%
summarize(count = n())
dat <- get_pdxTrees_parks() %>% %>%
drop_na(DBH, Crown_Width_NS, Tree_Height) %>%
filter(Condition != "Dead") %>%
select(UserID, Tree_Height, Crown_Width_NS, DBH, Condition, Family) %>%
left_join(family_filter_data, by = "Family") %>%
filter(count > 4) %>%
select(UserID, Tree_Height, Crown_Width_NS, DBH, Condition, Family)
dat_s <- get_pdxTrees_parks() %>% %>%
drop_na(DBH, Crown_Width_NS, Tree_Height) %>%
filter(Condition != "Dead") %>%
select(UserID, Tree_Height, Crown_Width_NS, DBH, Condition, Family) %>%
left_join(family_filter_data, by = "Family") %>%
filter(count > 4) %>%
select(UserID, Tree_Height, Crown_Width_NS, DBH, Condition, Family) %>%
group_by(Family) %>%
slice_sample(prop = 0.25) %>%
dat_est <- dat %>%
filter(Family == "Pinaceae")
predictors <- c("Crown_Width_NS", "DBH")
dat_x_bar <- dat %>%
group_by(Family) %>%
mean)) %>%
names_to = "variable",
values_to = "mean")
dat_count_est <- dat %>%
group_by(Family) %>%
summarize(count = n())
# Create dataset of proportions using estimation and resolution
dat_prop <- left_join(dat, dat_count_est, by = "Family") %>%
group_by(Condition, Family) %>%
summarize(prop = n()/count) %>%
distinct() %>%
# Create dataset of means of 'pixel' data
dat_x_means <- get_pdxTrees_parks() %>% %>%
drop_na(DBH, Crown_Width_NS, Tree_Height) %>%
dplyr::summarize(DBH = mean(DBH), Crown_Width_NS = mean(Crown_Width_NS),
Tree_Height = mean(Tree_Height))
dat_x_bar_new <- dat_x_bar %>%
filter(variable == "Crown_Width_NS") %>%
mutate(Crown_Width_NS = mean) %>%
select(Family, Crown_Width_NS)
To use GREGORY, we need 3 different datasets.
The first dataset is the overall data:
#> UserID Tree_Height Crown_Width_NS DBH Condition Family
#> 1 1 105 44 37.4 Fair Pinaceae
#> 2 2 94 49 32.5 Fair Pinaceae
#> 3 3 23 28 9.7 Fair Rosaceae
#> 4 4 28 38 10.3 Poor Fagaceae
#> 5 5 102 43 33.2 Fair Pinaceae
#> 6 6 95 35 32.1 Fair Pinaceae
The second dataset is the means of the predictors at the estimation level (Family estimates):
#> Family Crown_Width_NS
#> 1 Altingiaceae 40.60444
#> 2 Anacardiaceae 19.25000
#> 3 Aquifoliaceae 14.85417
#> 4 Betulaceae 31.08437
#> 5 Bignoniaceae 31.54167
#> 6 Cannabaceae 35.12500
The third dataset is contains both the resolution and estimation, with the proportion of resolution in the given estimation unit:
#> Condition Family prop
#> 1 Fair Altingiaceae 0.9066667
#> 2 Fair Anacardiaceae 0.7500000
#> 3 Fair Aquifoliaceae 0.8750000
#> 4 Fair Betulaceae 0.8298755
#> 5 Fair Bignoniaceae 0.7916667
#> 6 Fair Cannabaceae 0.8125000
# Create GREGORY estimates
x1 <- gregory_all(plot_df = dat_s %>% drop_na(),
resolution = "Condition",
estimation = "Family",
pixel_estimation_means = dat_x_bar_new,
proportions = dat_prop,
formula = Tree_Height ~ Crown_Width_NS,
prop = "prop")
#> # A tibble: 36 x 3
#> Family estimate variance
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Altingiaceae 68.8 604.
#> 2 Anacardiaceae 16.8 41.3
#> 3 Aquifoliaceae 25.6 73.1
#> 4 Betulaceae 43.9 393.
#> 5 Bignoniaceae 49.4 1277.
#> 6 Cannabaceae 35.9 193.
#> 7 Cercidiphyllaceae 23.3 48.6
#> 8 Cornaceae 23.9 207.
#> 9 Cupressaceae 54.1 1118.
#> 10 Ebenaceae 26.3 NA
#> # ... with 26 more rows
# Create GREG estimates
x2 <- greg_all(plot_df = dat_s %>% drop_na(),
estimation = "Family",
pixel_estimation_means = dat_x_bar_new,
formula = Tree_Height ~ Crown_Width_NS)
#> # A tibble: 36 x 3
#> Family estimate variance
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Altingiaceae 69.0 604.
#> 2 Anacardiaceae 16.5 41.3
#> 3 Aquifoliaceae 25.6 73.1
#> 4 Betulaceae 44.0 393.
#> 5 Bignoniaceae 49.6 1277.
#> 6 Cannabaceae 36.6 193.
#> 7 Cercidiphyllaceae 22.6 48.6
#> 8 Cornaceae 23.9 207.
#> 9 Cupressaceae 53.9 1118.
#> 10 Ebenaceae 13 NA
#> # ... with 26 more rows