Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses.
Fit linear mixed-effects models using restricted (or residual) maximum likelihood (REML) and with generalized inverse matrices to specify covariance structures for random effects. In particular, the package is suited to fit quantitative genetic mixed models, often referred to as 'animal models'. Implements the average information algorithm as the main tool to maximize the restricted log-likelihood, but with other algorithms available.
package for mixed-effects model REML incorporating Generalized Inverses (so, with some mental gymnastics: GREMLIN).
See the latest developments:
- gremlin NEWS page
Overview of main branches:
branch is the most recent production version (often the same as what is available from the R CRAN mirrors)devel
branch is a preview of the next release which should be functional and error/bug free, but proceed with caution
To install gremlin:
- From R:
- see the package page for the latest release of gremlin on CRAN where you can download the source.
- install the latest release of the package directly in R:
then select your favorite CRAN mirror
- From GitHub:
- install the latest versions directly in R using the
- install the latest versions directly in R using the
# Install `master` branch
# Install `devel` branch
remotes::install_github("matthewwolak/gremlin", ref = "devel")
Estimating autosomal additive and dominance genetic variances
library(nadiv) #<-- needed for creating inverse relatedness matrices
# Add unique term for including individual effects of additive and dominance
warcolak$IDD <- warcolak$ID
# Create generalized inverse matrices
Ainv <- makeAinv(warcolak[, 1:3])$Ainv
Dinv <- makeD(warcolak[, 1:3])$Dinv
# Basic model structure is as follows:
## Fixed effects of sex
## ID = autosomal additive genetic variance term
## IDD = autosomal dominance genetic variance term
grAD <- gremlin(trait1 ~ sex-1,
random = ~ ID + IDD,
ginverse = list(ID = Ainv, IDD = Dinv),
data = warcolak)
Summarize model
# Summary
Calculating combinations of (co)variances and quantifying uncertainty
Delta method
# Calculate proportions of phenotypic variances (and Std. Error)
deltaSE(h2 ~ V1 / (V1 + V2 + V3), grAD)
deltaSE(d2 ~ V2 / (V1 + V2 + V3), grAD)
Likelihood Ratio Test
- Hypothesis test: domimance variance=0
## Do this 2 alternative ways - both use `update()`:
### Either fix dominance variance to *almost* zero
grA_Dfxd <- update(grAD, Gstart = list(0.1, 1e-8), Gcon = list("P", "F"))
### Or drop dominance variance from the model
grA <- update(grAD, random = ~ ID)
## Compare log-likelihoods
## Do the Hypothesis test:
anova(grA, grAD)