Analysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance Data.
Analysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Biolayer Interferometry data, with automations for high-throughput SPR. This version of the package fits the 1: 1 binding model, with and without bulkshift. It offers optional local or global Rmax fitting. The user must provide a sample sheet and a Carterra output file in Carterra's current format. There is a utility function to convert from Carterra's old output format. The user may run a custom pipeline or use the provided 'Runscript', which will produce a pdf file containing fitted Rmax, ka, kd and standard errors, a plot of the sensorgram and fits, and a plot of residuals. The script will also produce a .csv file with all of the relevant parameters for each spot on the SPR chip.
High-Throughput SPR Kinetics Analysis Software
This R package provides functions and a pipeline to analyze SPR data. It takes as input the sample information and the Carterra time series and produces a pdf with sensorgrams, fits, rate constants, Rmax, plots of residuals and standard errors of parameter estimates. It also produces a .csv file with the relevant parameters and standard errors.
Current features include:
- 1:1 binding model
- Options for local or global Rmax fitting
- Automated concentration range determination
- Automated dissociation window approximation
- Automated bulkshift determination
The motivations for developing this package are
- to provide an open-source tool for analyzing high-throughput SPR kinetic data
- to automate some of the steps in analysis, such as determining the length of dissociation window and concentration range to include in fits and whether or not to include bulk-shift in fitting.
- to provide a platform for further development of multivalent binding kinetics models, such as bivalent analyte, parallel binding and more. These models are currently not an option in commercial software when using non-regenerative SPR data.