Hydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological Data from Argentina and Chile.
hydroToolkit is an object oriented programming tool (S4 type) that provides objects to store hydro-meteorological data-sets as if they where meteorological stations; it also has methods to read and build the objects, plot (static and interactive graphs) their series and manipulate them. This package was design to cope with data from Argentina and Chile: Base de Datos Hidrológica Integrada (BDHI - Argentina), Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA - Argentina), Departamento General de Irrigación (DGI - Argentina) and Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR2 - Chile). As it was design under the OOP paradigm, the package functionality could be extended to incorporate new data-sets.
You can download it from CRAN repository as usual: