Playing Cards Utility Functions.
Games of chance serve as essential learning tools for understanding probability and statistics. The ‘mmcards’ package, short for Mighty Metrika cards, offers utility functions for handling playing cards, streamlining the development of educational Shiny applications related to games of chance.
You can install the released version of ‘mmcards’ from CRAN:
To install the development version of ‘mmcards’, you can use the devtools package:
# install.packages("devtools")
Who Has the Highest Card: A Basic Example
This section demonstrates a simple game called “Who Has the Highest Card,” which shows you how to use mmcards to create a shuffled standard deck and deal cards to players.
# Define the Players
p1 <- NULL
p2 <- NULL
# Create a shuffled standard deck of 52 cards using a random number seed for reproducibility
game_deck <- shuffle_deck(seed = 147)
# Deal a card to each player
game_deck <- deal_card(game_deck)
p1 <- game_deck$dealt_card
game_deck <- deal_card(game_deck)
p2 <- game_deck$dealt_card
# Display the cards and determine the winner
paste("p1 has:", p1$card, "with a value of", p1$value)
#> [1] "p1 has: 5C with a value of 5"
paste("p2 has:", p2$card, "with a value of", p2$value)
#> [1] "p2 has: KH with a value of 13.5"
paste0("The winner is: ", ifelse(p1$value > p2$value, "p1", "p2"))
#> [1] "The winner is: p2"
Alternative Decks
To accommodate various use-cases, shuffle_deck() allows users to create specialized decks like AnonymousDeck, InterleavedDeck, or PairedDeck. You can learn more about these decks in the “alternative-decks” vignette.
Adding Card Images
Use the i_deck() function to add images to your card decks. You’ll need to have the images stored on your computer.
The following example was used to create a Shiny application which flips through a deck of shuffled cards showing the card image and the card value.
In this example, my working directory was set to “C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/mmcards” and a deck of PNG vector-playing-cards was stored at “C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/PNG-cards-1.3/PNG-cards-1.3”.
# Initialize a shuffled and image-embedded deck
ic <- i_deck(deck = shuffle_deck(seed = 42),
i_path = paste0(gsub("mmcards", "", getwd()),
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Card Deck Shiny App"),
# Image output
imageOutput("cardImage", height = "auto")
# Text output
# Deal card button
actionButton("deal_card", "Deal Card")
# Server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Initialize reactive variable to store current deck
current_deck <- reactiveVal(ic)
# Output for card image
output$cardImage <- renderImage({
# Initialize or get the current deck
deck <- current_deck()
# Return image path
list(src = deck$icard[1],
width = 250,
height = 350)
}, deleteFile = FALSE)
# Output for card value
output$cardValue <- renderText({
# Initialize or get the current deck
deck <- current_deck()
# Return card value
# Deal card logic
observeEvent(input$deal_card, {
# Get the current deck
deck <- current_deck()
# Deal a card
new_deck <- deal_card(deck)
# Update the current deck
# Run the app
shinyApp(ui, server)