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Tools for Geocoding Addresses in New Jersey using the 'NJOGIS' API.

Provides an R interface to free geocoding REST APIs maintained by the New Jersey Office of GIS <!/> and commonly used shapefiles.



Tools for geocoding addresses using the State of New Jersey’s official geocoding service & accessing spatial data.


You can install the development version of njgeo from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")



This package supports freely geocoding addresses in New Jersey. No API keys are required and this does not depend on any commercial services.

Find all matching address candidates for an address

geocode_address_candidates("33 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick, NJ")
#> njgeo: downloading data
#> Simple feature collection with 4 features and 8 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -74.47533 ymin: 40.46493 xmax: -74.44513 ymax: 40.49297
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>                                          address  score location.x location.y
#> 1 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901 100.00  -74.44513   40.49297
#> 2    Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901  97.59  -74.45771   40.48024
#> 3  Livingston Avenue, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902  95.86  -74.47533   40.46493
#> 4   Livingston Avenue, East Brunswick, NJ, 08816  95.86  -74.44593   40.49154
#>   extent.xmin extent.ymin extent.xmax extent.ymax                   geometry
#> 1   -74.44613    40.49197   -74.44413    40.49397 POINT (-74.44513 40.49297)
#> 2   -74.45871    40.47924   -74.45671    40.48124 POINT (-74.45771 40.48024)
#> 3   -74.47633    40.46393   -74.47433    40.46594 POINT (-74.47533 40.46493)
#> 4   -74.44693    40.49054   -74.44493    40.49254 POINT (-74.44593 40.49154)

The geocoding output defaults to EPSG:4326 but another CRS can be specified via arguments:

geocode_address_candidates("33 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick, NJ", crs = 3424)
#> njgeo: downloading data
#> Simple feature collection with 4 features and 8 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 498988.5 ymin: 594272.3 xmax: 507385.6 ymax: 604489.2
#> Projected CRS: NAD83 / New Jersey (ftUS)
#>                                          address  score location.x location.y
#> 1 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901 100.00   507385.6   604489.2
#> 2    Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901  97.59   503889.1   599850.6
#> 3  Livingston Avenue, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902  95.86   498988.5   594272.3
#> 4   Livingston Avenue, East Brunswick, NJ, 08816  95.86   507163.8   603966.6
#>   extent.xmin extent.ymin extent.xmax extent.ymax                  geometry
#> 1    507107.3    604124.7    507664.0    604853.6 POINT (507385.6 604489.2)
#> 2    503610.8    599486.2    504167.5    600215.1 POINT (503889.1 599850.6)
#> 3    498710.2    593908.0    499266.8    594636.7 POINT (498988.5 594272.3)
#> 4    506885.4    603602.2    507442.1    604331.1 POINT (507163.8 603966.6)

Batch Geocoding

It is possible to batch geocode up to 1000 addresses at once using the two batch geocoding functions provided by the package.

The batch_geocode_addresses() and batch_geocode_sl() functions can batch geocode up to 1000 addresses at a time. The first function expects multiple columns of data to geocode the address, while the sl version requires an address in single column format.

Reverse Geocoding

Provide a point to get matching addresses:

reverse_geocode(-74.44513, 40.49297)
#> njgeo: downloading data
#>                Address Neighborhood          City Subregion Region Postal
#> 1 33 Livingston Avenue              New Brunswick Middlesex     NJ  08901
#>   PostalExt CountryCode                                     Match_addr
#> 1      1900             33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901
#>         Loc_name
#> 1 NJ_Geocode_Mul

Shape and boundary files

You can easily obtain spatial boundary data for use in projects via this package. All objects are returned as an {sf} object and a coordinate reference system can be specified via arguments to repoject the shape into a different CRS.


#> njgeo: downloading data
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 9 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.56342 ymin: 38.85289 xmax: -73.89363 ymax: 41.35765
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> 1        1 New Jersey State of New Jersey 1779795 5549497 8671.089
#>                                 GLOBALID SHAPE_Length   SHAPE_Area
#> 1 {64BFC6D2-D0A8-418C-9E76-ADF18AA40F74}      2703088 241735115122
#>                         geometry
#> 1 POLYGON ((-74.67081 41.3463...


#> njgeo: downloading data
#> Simple feature collection with 21 features and 21 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.55957 ymin: 38.92852 xmax: -73.90245 ymax: 41.35765
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#> 1    1   ATLANTIC   Atlantic County ATL   County of Atlantic 882270    34001
#> 2    2     BERGEN     Bergen County BER     County of Bergen 882271    34003
#> 3    3 BURLINGTON Burlington County BUR County of Burlington 882272    34005
#> 4    4     CAMDEN     Camden County CAM     County of Camden 882273    34007
#> 5    5   CAPE MAY   Cape May County CAP   County of Cape May 882274    34009
#> 6    6 CUMBERLAND Cumberland County CUM County of Cumberland 882275    34011
#> 7    7      ESSEX      Essex County ESS      County of Essex 882276    34013
#> 8    8 GLOUCESTER Gloucester County GLO County of Gloucester 882277    34015
#> 9    9     HUDSON     Hudson County HUD     County of Hudson 882278    34017
#> 10  10  HUNTERDON  Hunterdon County HUN  County of Hunterdon 882228    34019
#>    FIPSCO     ACRES SQ_MILES POP2010 POP2000 POP1990 POP1980 POPDEN2010
#> 1       1 390815.40 610.6491  274549  252552  275372  204615        450
#> 2       3 153490.28 239.8286  905116  884118  829592  849843       3774
#> 3       5 524903.34 820.1615  448734  423394  395066  362542        547
#> 4       7 145598.49 227.4976  513657  508932  532498  471650       2258
#> 5       9 183126.57 286.1353   97265  102326   95089   82266        340
#> 6      11 321150.32 501.7974  156898  146438  138053  132866        313
#> 7      13  83034.86 129.7420  783969  793633  748281  850451       6043
#> 8      15 215073.16 336.0518  288288  254673  230082  199917        858
#> 9      17  32982.40  51.5350  634266  608975  553099  556972      12307
#> 10     19 279879.34 437.3115  128349  121989  107776   87361        293
#>    POPDEN2000 POPDEN1990 POPDEN1980       REGION SHAPE_Length SHAPE_Area
#> 1         414        451        335      COASTAL     2.054478 0.16559498
#> 2        3686       3459       3544 NORTHEASTERN     1.393879 0.06645191
#> 3         516        482        442     SOUTHERN     2.439422 0.22368243
#> 4        2237       2341       2073     SOUTHERN     1.553964 0.06197876
#> 5         358        332        288      COASTAL     1.589942 0.07723522
#> 6         292        275        265     SOUTHERN     2.213655 0.13586761
#> 7        6117       5767       6555 NORTHEASTERN     1.105311 0.03585682
#> 8         758        685        595     SOUTHERN     1.804883 0.09143512
#> 9       11817      10732      10808 NORTHEASTERN     1.225024 0.01423219
#> 10        279        246        200      CENTRAL     1.783708 0.12046630
#>                          geometry
#> 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.67437 3...
#> 2  MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.90569 4...
#> 3  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.69864 4...
#> 4  MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.03314 3...
#> 5  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.85962 3...
#> 6  MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.06186 3...
#> 7  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.32256 4...
#> 8  MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.12857 3...
#> 9  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.16093 4...
#> 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.86234 4...


#> njgeo: downloading data
#> Simple feature collection with 565 features and 23 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -75.55957 ymin: 38.92852 xmax: -73.90245 ymax: 41.35765
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    OBJECTID                 MUN   COUNTY              MUN_LABEL MUN_TYPE
#> 1         1 CAPE MAY POINT BORO CAPE MAY Cape May Point Borough  Borough
#> 2         2  WEST CAPE MAY BORO CAPE MAY  West Cape May Borough  Borough
#> 3         3       CAPE MAY CITY CAPE MAY          Cape May City     City
#> 4         4 WILDWOOD CREST BORO CAPE MAY Wildwood Crest Borough  Borough
#> 5         5  WEST WILDWOOD BORO CAPE MAY  West Wildwood Borough  Borough
#> 6         6 NORTH WILDWOOD CITY CAPE MAY    North Wildwood City     City
#> 7         7           LOWER TWP CAPE MAY         Lower Township Township
#> 8         8   STONE HARBOR BORO CAPE MAY   Stone Harbor Borough  Borough
#> 9         9         AVALON BORO CAPE MAY         Avalon Borough  Borough
#> 10       10          MIDDLE TWP CAPE MAY        Middle Township Township
#>                      NAME                 GNIS_NAME   GNIS  SSN MUN_CODE
#> 1  Cape May Point Borough Borough of Cape May Point 885179 0503     0503
#> 2   West Cape May Borough  Borough of West Cape May 885435 0512     0512
#> 3                Cape May          City of Cape May 885178 0502     0502
#> 4  Wildwood Crest Borough Borough of Wildwood Crest 885445 0515     0515
#> 5   West Wildwood Borough  Borough of West Wildwood 885441 0513     0513
#> 6          North Wildwood    City of North Wildwood 885328 0507     0507
#> 7          Lower Township         Township of Lower 882044 0505     0505
#> 8    Stone Harbor Borough   Borough of Stone Harbor 885410 0510     0510
#> 9          Avalon Borough         Borough of Avalon 885146 0501     0501
#> 10        Middle Township        Township of Middle 882045 0506     0506
#>    CENSUS2010      ACRES   SQ_MILES POP2010 POP2000 POP1990 POP1980 POPDEN2010
#> 1  3400910330   192.0512  0.3000799     291     241     248     255        970
#> 2  3400978530   756.5388  1.1820919    1024    1095    1026    1091        866
#> 3  3400910270  1844.8312  2.8825488    3607    4034    4668    4853       1251
#> 4  3400981200   947.7268  1.4808231    3270    3980    3631    4149       2208
#> 5  3400980210   232.8413  0.3638145     603     448     453     360       1657
#> 6  3400953490  1593.6241  2.4900376    4041    4935    5017    4714       1623
#> 7  3400941610 19851.6960 31.0182749   22866   22945   20820   17105        737
#> 8  3400971010  1479.9542  2.3124285     866    1128    1025    1187        374
#> 9  3400902320  3179.4468  4.9678857    1334    2143    1809    2162        269
#> 10 3400945810 52934.9963 82.7109317   18911   16405   14771   11373        229
#>    POPDEN2000 POPDEN1990 POPDEN1980 SHAPE_Length   SHAPE_Area
#> 1         803        826        850   0.04154698 8.075899e-05
#> 2         926        868        923   0.08769263 3.181544e-04
#> 3        1399       1619       1684   0.20318471 7.758056e-04
#> 4        2688       2452       2802   0.10132480 3.987271e-04
#> 5        1231       1245        990   0.05201539 9.800047e-05
#> 6        1982       2015       1893   0.14039854 6.707966e-04
#> 7         740        671        551   0.52199887 8.352893e-03
#> 8         488        443        513   0.13930193 6.232645e-04
#> 9         431        364        435   0.22707767 1.339875e-03
#> 10        198        179        138   0.81069461 2.230602e-02
#>                          geometry
#> 1  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.95983 3...
#> 2  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.92585 3...
#> 3  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.8765 38...
#> 4  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.83331 3...
#> 5  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.8189 39...
#> 6  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.7797 39...
#> 7  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.934 39....
#> 8  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.75414 3...
#> 9  MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.7138 39...
#> 10 MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.7174 39...





Platforms (77)

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