Particle Metropolis Within Gibbs.
pmwg - Particle Metropolis within Gibbs 
To install the latest stable version you can use the following command to install from CRAN:
If you want the (possibly unstable) development version, you can also install the package using devtools as follows:
devtools::install_github('university-of-newcastle-research/pmwg', ref="develop")
This package is tested and should work on all versions of R > 3.5, however instructions on installing to an earlier version of R are included below.
Using the package
The best introduction to the package can be found at the bookdown site located at: The document there includes the motivation for the approach, several detailed examples of the package in action and a list of common problems and troubleshooting techniques. Also available online is the package documentation at which consists of this README, a Reference of help documentation for individual functions, a list of changes to the project over time and more. Finally there is a page containing some frequently asked questions which can be found at
Included on the pmwg website is also a getting started guide to the package, available from