Simultaneous Selection by Trait and WAASB Index.
This tool proposes a new ranking algorithm that utilizes a "Y*WAASB" biplot generated by the 'metan'. The aim of the current package is to effectively distinguish the top-ranked genotypes in MET (Multi-Environmental Trials). For a detailed explanation of the process of obtaining "WAASB", "WAASBY" indices, and a "Y*WAASB" biplot, refer to the manual included in this package as well as the study by Olivoto & Lúcio (2020) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13384>. In this context, "WAASB" refers to the "Weighted Average of Absolute Scores" provided by Olivoto et al. (2019) <doi:10.2134/agronj2019.03.0220>, which quantifies the stability of genotypes across different environments using linear mixed-effect models. To run the package, you need to extract the "WAASB" and "WAASBY" coefficients using the 'metan' and apply them. This tool utilizes PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and differentiates the entries which may be genotypes, hybrids, varieties, etc using "WAASB", "WAASBY", and a combination of the specified trait and WAASB index.
collapse = TRUE,
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fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
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rYWAASB is an R package estimating the rank of genotype based on a trait and WAASB stability index obtained following a stability analysis. rYWAASB is very easy to use and permits the simultaneously selection of genotypes based on a trait and WAASB index according to a Y*WAASB plot from 'metan' package.
For examples, see its online vignette.
This package is licensed under the MIT license.
Basic examples
Download and Install
To download the release version of the package on CRAN, type the following at the R command line:
T run the package:
Reporting bugs and other issues
If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on github.