R Wrapper Around the Telegram Bot API.
This package is an R wrapper around the TelegramBot API.
It allows to send messages (text, Markdown, images, files) from R to your smartphone.
More infos on telegram's bot api can be found here and here.
How to install the package?
For the stable version:
For the development one:
First time setup
First you have to talk to the botfather to create a new bot; answer few questions regarding bot's name and you're ready to go.
After you've done, the botfather returns a token (which has to be kept secret) that lets you handle your bot; we need this token when creating the bot object on the R side. Following Hadley's API guidelines it's unsafe to type the token just in the R script. It's better to use enviroment variables set in .Renviron
So let's say you have named your bot RBot
(it's the first question you've answered to the botfather); then put the following line with your token in your .Renviron
If you follow the suggested R_TELEGRAM_BOT_
prefix convention you'll be able to use the bot_token
function (otherwise you'll have to get these variable from Sys.getenv
After you've finished these steps restart R in order to have working environment variables.
How to connect R with Telegram
Now you should be able to obtain a connection to your bot with these commands:
## Create the bot object
bot <- TGBot$new(token = bot_token('RBot'))
## Now check bot connection it should print some of your bot's data
## Now, on the phone, find and say something to your bot to start a chat
## (and obtain a chat id).
## ...
## Here, check what you have inserted
## You're interested in the message.chat.id variable: in order to set a
## default chat_id for the following commands (to ease typing)
After a bit using the package, you'll probably want to set the chat_id
to your user id (or more generally, have something like an addressbook to store users' ids). If you put this in your .Renviron
you'll be able to use the user_id
function, eg like this:
Examples of methods currently implemented
Once you've followed the previous section, run the following commands and look at your phone.
## Send some messages..
bot$sendMessage('This is text')
## Markdown support for messages
md1 <- "*bold* _italic_ [r-project](http://r-project.org) "
md2 <- " try `x <- rnorm(100)` at the console ..."
## below left spaces just for github displaying (not needed in the .R src)
md3 <- "
you can have
x <- runif(100)
bot$sendMessage(md1, parse_mode = 'markdown')
bot$sendMessage(md2, parse_mode = 'markdown')
bot$sendMessage(md3, parse_mode = 'markdown')
## Send a image/photo
bot$sendPhoto('test.png', caption = 'This is my awesome graph')
## Send a document (can be any file)
help(TGBot, help_type = 'pdf')
## Forward a message
bot$forwardMessage(from_chat_id = 123456,
chat_id = 123456,
message_id = 35)
## Send a location
bot$sendLocation(44.699, 10.6297)
## Send a sticker
bot$sendSticker(system.file('r_logo.webp', package = 'telegram'))
## Send a video
nmax <- 10
ani.options(interval = 0.4, nmax = nmax)
x <- c()
for (i in 1:nmax){
x <- c(x, rnorm(1))
plot(cumsum(x), lty = 2, xlim = c(1, nmax), ylim = c(-5, 5))
abline(h = 0, col = 'red')
}, video.name = 'animation.mp4')
## Send mp3 audio files
bot$sendAudio(system.file('audio_test.mp3', package = 'telegram'),
performer = 'espeak (http://espeak.sf.net)')
## Send voice (opus encoded .ogg files)
bot$sendVoice(system.file('voice_test.ogg', package = 'telegram'))
## getUserProfilePhotos
bot$getUserProfilePhotos(user_id('me')) # <- alternatively, message.from.id variable in getUpdates
bot$getUserProfilePhotos(user_id('me'), destfile = 'me.png')
# getFile
bot$getFile('asdasdasdqweqweqwe-UdYAAgI', # <- file_id from getUserProfilePhotos