Compile and Preview Snippets of 'LaTeX'.
Efficiently iterate, refine and share snippets of LaTeX in R with ease.
compiles LaTeX directly into images from the R console to view in the RStudio viewer pane, Shiny apps and RMarkdown documents.
Supports: character, knitr, kableExtra, xtable, texreg, equatiomatic classes
methods can be written for the main call,texPreview::tex_preview
, to use with new classes for rendering and printing.Rstudio Addin: Users can highlight text in the editor and invoke preview automatically.
RMarkdown document compatible with all document outputs
Shiny compatible via
or as part of htmlwidgets likeslickR::slickR
.Pan and Zoom functionality: When the output is set to 'svg' the default output to the viewer is
, which allows for panning and zooming on the image in the viewer. If the package is not installed a static image will be loaded.System Requirements:
- Must have pdflatex in PATH, Windows users can install by running installr::install.MikTeX
- TeX libraries that are used:
Using tinytex you can run
install.packages('tinytex') tinytex::tlmgr_install(c('standalone', 'xcolor', 'booktabs', 'multirow', 'amsmath', 'listings', 'setspace', 'caption', 'graphics', 'tools', 'psnfss', 'varwidth', 'colortbl', 'epstopdf-pkg', 'pgf','makeindex'))
To Check if the system is in compliance with these libraries run
- Ghostscript: If you are installing TeX with tinytex make sure to install ghostscript onto your system.