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A collection of wordlists useful for security testing.

The wordlists package provides two scripts. One is called wordlists, and it will list a tree of all the wordlists installed. The other one is called wordlists_path which will print the path to the nix store location of the lists. You can for example do $(wordlists_path)/rockyou.txt to get the location of the rockyou wordlist. If you want to modify the available wordlists you can override the lists attribute`. In your nixos configuration this would look similiar to this:

environment.systemPackages = [
  (pkgs.wordlists.override { lists = with pkgs; [ rockyou ] })

you can use this with nix-shell by doing: nix-shell -p 'wordlists.override { lists = with (import <nixpkgs> {}); [ nmap ]; }' If you want to add a new package that provides wordlist/s the convention is to copy it to {file}$out/share/wordlists/myNewWordlist`.
