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Showing entries 1101-1200 out of 19237.
A real-time pitch correction LADSPA plugin (no MIDI control)
autotilingNix package
Script for sway and i3 to automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation
Autotiling for sway (and possibly i3)
Utility for converting bitmap into vector graphics
Experimental console client for the Gemini protocol
MDNS/DNS-SD implementation
MDNS/DNS-SD implementation
Go implementation of an Avalanche node
.NET assembly browser and decompiler
Software for controlling RGB keyboard lights on some gaming laptops that use ITE Device(8291)
Virtual filesystem that allows browsing of compressed files
Merge YAML/JSON files in a in a convenient fashion
Free video editor designed for simple video editing tasks
An improved version of the AviSynth frameserver
A neat notification daemon for Wayland
The bridge between designers and developers
Molecule editor and visualizer
Molecule editor and visualizer
A C runtime library for AVR microcontrollers
avr-libcavrlibcCrossNix package
A C runtime library for AVR microcontrollers
AVR assembler simulator for the stepwise execution of assembler source code - with many extras
GUI tool for avrdude
Assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
Command-line tool for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
GUI for AVRDUDE (AVR microcontroller programmer)
A C library which implements parts of the Avro Specification
A C++ library which implements parts of the Avro Specification
Avro command-line tools and utilities
AIGER model checking for Property Directed Reachability
Tray icon that manages ActivityWatch processes, built with Qt
High-performance implementation of the ActivityWatch server, written in Rust
Watches keyboard and mouse activity to determine if you are AFK or not (for use with ActivityWatch)
Cross-platform window watcher (for use with ActivityWatch)
WIP window and afk watcher for wayland
awaitNix package
Small binary that runs a list of commands in parallel and awaits termination
Highly configurable, dynamic window manager for X
Highly configurable, dynamic window manager for X
A program to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image
A Widget Factory
Command line tool to ease AWS CLI authentication against ADFS
Easily assume AWS roles in your terminal
Use Azure AD SSO to log into the AWS via CLI
C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication
AWS Crypto Abstraction Layer
AWS SDK for C common core
C99 implementation of huffman encoding/decoding
C99 implementation of the content-type
C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications
AWS SDK for C module for IO and TLS
C99 implementation of the MQTT 3.1.1 specification
C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service
AWS SDK utility library
HW accelerated CRC32c and CRC32
C++ wrapper around the aws-c-* libraries
CLI wrapper around aws-encryption-sdk-python
Secure way to handle environment variables in Docker and envfile with AWS Parameter Store
Better AWS SSM Session manager CLI client
Acquire AWS STS (temporary) credentials via Google Apps SAML Single Sign On
AWS IAM credentials for Kubernetes authentication
Locally test Lambda functions packaged as container images
Manage AWS MFA Security Credentials
Command line tools for interacting with the Amazon Mechanical Turk
Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources
Easily rotate your AWS key
Exports Prometheus metrics about S3 buckets and objects
CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
A C++ interface for Amazon Web Services
AWS SSO CLI is a secure replacement for using the aws configure sso wizard
Get AWS SSO temporary creds from an SSO profile
A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments
Client for Amazon WorkSpaces, a managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution
Backup a folder to AWS S3, once or periodically
Unified tool to manage your AWS services
Unified tool to manage your AWS services
A command line interface for Elastic Beanstalk
A script and python package to check your AWS service limits and usage via boto3
AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans
awslsNix package
A list command for AWS resources
awsrmNix package
A remove command for AWS resources
A utility for easily assuming AWS IAM roles from the command line
A tool to clean out your AWS account
AX.25 ham radio applications
Non-GUI tools used to configure an AX.25 enabled computer
Console downloading program with some features for parallel connections for faster downloading
Web Services / SOAP / WSDL engine, the successor to the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack
Stand-alone binary AndroidManifest.xml decoder
Ayatana Display Indicator Objects
Ayatana Indicator providing clock and calendar
Ayatana Indicator Messages Applet
Ayatana Indicator showing session management, status and user switching
Webmail notifications and actions for any desktop
Ayu colored GTK and Kvantum themes based on Arc
Azeret Mono
azimuthNix package
A metroidvania game using only vectorial graphic
C++ language binding library integrating ZeroMQ with Boost Asio
Full color painting software for illustration drawing
Next generation multi-platform command line experience for Azure
Interfaces between SGX SDKs and the Azure Attestation SGX Certification Cache
Command line tools for Azure Functions
The new Azure Storage data transfer utility - AzCopy v10