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Showing entries 10501-10600 out of 18547.
Micro-optics for the process library
microlens-thmicrolens-thNix package
Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens
microlens-thmicrolens-th_0_4_3_16Nix package
Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens
A super simple logging module
Bindings to the Microsoft Translator API
Interface for Microsoft Translator
Tiny QuickCheck test library with minimal dependencies
microstachemicrostacheNix package
Mustache templates for Haskell
microstachemicrostache_1_0_3Nix package
Mustache templates for Haskell
A tiny library for benchmarking IO actions
midaNix package
Language for algorithmic generation of MIDI files
Hot-swappable FRP
midiNix package
Handling of MIDI messages and files
Convert between datatypes of the midi and the alsa packages
Convert MIDI file to music box punch tape
A simple and fast library for working with MIDI messages
Utility functions for processing MIDI files
Utilities for working with MIDI data
A Memory-like (Concentration, Pairs, ...) game for tones
A control midi surface
migNix package
Build lightweight and composable servers
Build http-clients from API definition for mig servers
Extra utils for Mig core library
Build lightweight and composable servers
Swagger servers for mig library
Render mig-servers as wai-applications
Simple Web Server in Haskell
High performance web server on WAI/warp
The Metropolis algorithm
Semi-automatic database schema migrations
Semi-automatic database schema migrations
Semi-automatic database schema migrations
Semi-automatic database schema migrations
MikMod bindings
Lambda calculus interpreter
mikuNix package
A minimum web dev DSL
A Kafka client for Haskell
mimeNix package
Working with MIME types
A library for parsing/printing the text/directory mime type
Compose MIME email messages
Send mime-mail messages via Amazon SES
MIME implementation for String's
Basic mime-type handling types and functions
Double-ended priority queues
A DSL for generating minecraft commands and levels
minesNix package
Minesweeper simulation using neural networks
Minesweeper game which is always solvable without guessing
miniNix package
Minimal essentials
Template Haskell Implementation of Egison Pattern Matching
A toy dependently typed programming language with type-based termination
Bindings to Miniball, a smallest enclosing ball library
Minimalist CI framework to run checks on local machine
Minimal bindings to libcurl
Miniature FORTH-like interpreter
A minimalistic lens library, providing only the simplest, most basic lens functionality
A SDL2-based graphics library, batteries-included
A binding library of minilight for Lua langauge
Minimal ini like configuration library with a few extras
English spelling functions with an emphasis on simplicity
Shows how to run grabber on Mac OS X
A MinIO Haskell Library for Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage
A Haskell introspectable web router
Minion conduit support
Minion HTMX support
Minion JWT support
Minion openapi3 support
Minion wrappers for wai-extra
A fast parallel ssh tool
Fast and simple operational monad
Simple 1-to-N interprocess communication
Minimalistic file rotation utility
A Haskell bundle of the Minisat SAT solver
High-level Haskell bindings for the MiniSat SAT solver
An interpreter for an operational semantics for the STG machine
Simple and lightweight benchmarking utilities
Layout and render text with TrueType fonts using OpenGL
Simple English clause creation from arbitrary words
A set of helpers to call minizinc models
Express the minimum length of a container in its type
Functions to find both minimum and maximum (or several of them simultaneously) in one pass
Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MINST database
A reliable way to detect the presence of a MinTTY console on Windows
miosNix package
A Minisat-based CDCL SAT solver in Haskell
MIPNix package
Library for using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)
A GLPK backend to the MIP library
Tweet mirror
Fortune-mod clone
AWS Library
AWS Library
A commmon prelude for the mismi project
AWS Library
AWS Library
misoNix package
A tasty Haskell front-end framework
Miso state transition logger
A tasty Haskell front-end framework
Convert HTML to miso View syntax
missNix package
A Haskell git implimentation
Useability extras built on top of miss
Convenience functions for FFI work