Showing entries 10801-10900 out of 18547.
Lazy monad for psuedo random-number generation
Monad classes, using functional dependencies
Monad classes, using type families
Generalizing lift to monad stacks
A type-class for transforming monads (homomorphism) in a transformer
Monadic interface for TokyoTyrant
A simple tetris clone
Monad transformer library with uniform liftings
MonadIO instances for the Monatron transformers
Haskell bindings for the Mondo API
Renders backgrounds & borders
Mid-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi)
Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS
Message queue using MongoDB
Mongrel2 Handler Library
Do things when files change
A system state collecting library and application
Folds for monomorphic containers
Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable
Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key
Wrapper providing Foldable instance for MonoFoldables
Symbolic computations in strict monoidal categories with LaTeX output
Low level bindings to the monocypher C library
Monoid type classes, designed in modular way, distinguish Monoid from Mempty and Semigroup
A library for (left, right) zero monoids and backtracking with cut
Various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities
Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes
A monoidal map with the right group instance
A practical monoid implementation
Support for modifying record fields of monoidal type
Monoids for calculation of statistics of sample
Subclasses of Monoid
Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers
Containers with monoidal accumulation
Monoidal Functors Library
Monoidal map type
Extra classes/functions about monoids
Deprecated: Use 'reducers'
A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications
Monomer Flatpak Example Application
A datagrid widget for the Monomer library
Library to convert polymorphic datatypes to/from its monomorphic represetation
Well-typed paths
Riak Resolution Proxy
Riak Resolution Proxy Client
A monad and transformer for Monte Carlo calculations
A 'Monus' is a commutative monoid that allows a notion of substraction
Efficient search weighted by an ordered monoid with monus
Haskell bindings for the Monzo API
Genetic algorithm library
Invocation helpers for the ReaderT-record-of-functions style
A web service framework for Haskell, similar in purpose to dropwizard
A few more collections
Initial project template from stack
A tool for supervised learning of morphology
Bindings to the morphological analyser Morfeusz
Developer tools for the Michelson Language
Client to interact with the Tezos blockchain
A custom prelude used in Morley
Upgradeability infrastructure based on Morley
A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language
A simple database migrator for PostgreSQL
Morpheus GraphQL
Morpheus GraphQL App
Morpheus GraphQL App
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
Morpheus GraphQL Client
Morpheus GraphQL Client
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
Morpheus GraphQL Core
Morpheus GraphQL Core
Morpheus GraphQL
Morpheus GraphQL
Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions
Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions
Morpheus GraphQL Test
Morpheus GraphQL Test
It's all about functions
Functors, theirs compositions and transformations
Inventory is state and store
Algebraic structures
Morse code
A bare-bones calculus of constructions
Library for setting up and running scrapers with webdriver
Generación interactiva de mosaicos
Mosquitto client library bindings
Haskell client for Moss
General purpose migrations library
PostgreSQL-based migrations registry for moto
Type-safe effectful state machines in Haskell
Generate state diagrams from Motor FSM typeclasses
Reflect on Motor FSM typeclasses to obtain runtime representations
Mounts and umounts filesystems
List mount points