Showing entries 11601-11700 out of 18547.
A tested, minimal wrapper around GitHub's API
Lisp with more dynamism, more power, more simplicity
Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points
Oculus Rift ffi providing head tracking data
Haskell binding to the ODBC API, aimed at SQL Server driver
A full-featured PostgreSQL-backed job queue (with an admin UI)
Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits
Provides Go package metadata
Oracle Database Bindings
Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV
Interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)
Interface for Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)
A parser for simplified-syntax OFF files
Parser for OFX data
Haskell binding to OGDF
A context aware binding for the OpenGL graphics system
Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages
Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages
Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator:
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: CoCoSpec
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator:
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Specification Frontend
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Requirement DB Frontend
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: SMV Language Frontend
Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend
A lightweight markup language for story writers
An Entity-Component-Systems engine core
Interface to the Ohloh API
Library for purely functional lazy interactions with the outer world
OpenID Connect 1.0 library for RP
Wrapper for OIS input manager for use with hogre
A microframework based on monadic parsing
Locale library
Time library
Basic versioning library
Haskell bindings for ollama
An OpenLayers JavaScript Wrapper and Webframework with snaplet-fay
Actor pattern utilities
Haskell utilities for building embedded Elm programs
Monad transformer providing MonadFail
Concurrency utilities
Http utilities
Legion Framework
Opinionated logging utilities
Plugin-based explicit import generation
Utilities for showing string-like things
Socket utilities
Misc. time utilites
A simple tool to generate OMakefile for latex files
Render engine
A purely functional programming language and a proof system
Integer sets and relations using Presburger arithmetic
Data encoding and decoding command line utilities
A pretty-printer wrapper to faciliate ease of formatting during development
"Haskell on a Horse" - A combinatorial web framework
Program that sends traffic through SSH tunnels on-demand
HTML-parsing primitives for Parsec
ONC RPC (aka Sun RPC) and XDR library
Memoization for IO actions and functions
Pretty-printing short Aeson values as text
Constraint-based generics
Generics-based implementations for common typeclasses
HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords
Anonymous coproduct type
A never-empty list type
Singleton Tuple
A grep-like tool for filtering on words or lines
The 1-tuple type or single-value "collection"
Partition lenses
Text UI library for performing parallel remote SSH operations
Code for the Haskell course taught at the Odessa National University in 2012
Support for OO-like prototypes
Combinators for handling errors of many types in a composable way
Oops examples
Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading
Functions of the type a -> a -> b
An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL
Opaleye wrapped up in classy MTL attire
An SQL-generating DSL targeting SQLite
Text search utilities for Opaleye
A monad transformer for Opaleye
Open algebraic data types
Open algebraic data type examples
Open a web browser from Haskell
Open haddock HTML documentation
Conversion between markup formats
A mechanism similar to checked exceptions that integrates with MTL and transformer stacks
An implementation of BSYM in Haskell
Open type representations and dynamic types
Extensible, type-safe unions
Open witnesses
Open witnesses