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Showing entries 11901-12000 out of 18268.
Some miscellaneous basic string parsers
Parsec API encoded as a deeply-embedded DSL, for debugging and analysis
Utilities for parsing numbers from strings
Parsec combinators for parsing Haskell numeric types
Parsing instances for Parsec
Applicative permutation parser for Parsec intended as a replacement for Text
Pratt Parser combinator for Parsec
Parsec parsers for Tagsoup tag streams
Add a hierarchical trace to Parsec parsers
Utility functions and combinators for Text
Portable monadic parser combinators
Monadic parser combinators
Monadic parser combinators
Utilities for parsing numbers from Char sequences
Parsec combinators for more complex objects
Data and time parsing for CalendarTime
Adds and Eq instance for Parsec's ParseError if needed
Parallel Parsing Processes
Typeclasses for parsing monads, and some instances
Lightweight package providing commonly useful parser combinators
Test suite of parser-combinators
Prints Haskell parse trees in JSON
Regex based parsers
Parsing library with unbiased choice and support for embedding arbitrary monad
An interface to create production rules using augmented grammars
Parse and evaluate mathematical expressions
TH parser generator for splitting bytestring into fixed-width fields
Parsing combinators
Parsers instances for Megaparsec
NMR-STAR file format parser
Monadic parser combinators derived from Parsec
Parser combinators with slicing, error recovery, and syntax highlighting
A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
A collection of GHC plugins to work with parsley
A fast, minimal parser
Parsing factorized
A nullary type class for partial functions
A composable exception handler
partial-isomorphismspartial-isomorphismsNix package
Partial isomorphisms
partial-isomorphismspartial-isomorphisms_0_2_4_0Nix package
Partial isomorphisms
Haskell 98 Partial Lenses
Provides typeclass suitable for types admitting a partial order
Template haskell utilities for constructing records with default values
A partial binary associative operator
Property testing for partial semigroups using Hedgehog
Testing utilities for the partial-semigroup package
Datatype for passing around unresolved URIs
Data structure supporting partial orders
Emulate partial type signatures with template haskell
Inspect, create, and alter MBRs
Parallel code generation for hierarchical Bayesian modeling
A simple password manager
Deterministic password generator command line interface
Deterministic password generator core
Hashing and checking of passwords
Typeclass instances for password package
Types for handling passwords
Simple library for generating passwords
Password generation/validation library
pastaNix package
Provides the Pasta curves: Pallas, Vesta and their field elements Fp and Fq
CLI for pasting to
Interface to the URL shortening service
pastyNix package
A simple command line pasting utility
patatNix package
Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
patchNix package
Data structures for describing changes to other data structures
A library for patching functions and data structures
Compose a big image from overlapping parts
Patches (diffs) on vectors: composable, mergeable, and invertible
pathpathNix package
Support for well-typed paths
pathpath_0_9_0Nix package
Support for well-typed paths
pathpath_0_9_6Nix package
Support for well-typed paths
Binary instance for Path
ToDhall and FromDhall instances for Path
Enumeration of common filetype extensions for use with the path library
URLs without host information
Formatting for path
Interface to ‘directory’ package for users of ‘path’
PathLike, FileLike and DirLike type classes for the Path library
Components of paths
A singleton wrapper for the path library
A wrapper around the @path@ library, tagged with semantic name
Read and write UTF-8 text files
Handful of simple utility functions for the path library
Relational optimiser and code generator
Pathfinding in grid and graphs
A toy pathfinding library
Pathological ByteStrings for testing
pathsNix package
Library for representing and manipulating type-safe file paths
A tree used to merge and maintain paths
Type-safe replacement for System
Path walking utilities for Haskell programs
Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence
Sentry SDK
A webpage scraper for Patreon which dumps a list of patrons to a text file
Arrows for Pretty Printing
A library for compiling pattern-matching to decision trees
Pattern tries