Showing entries 13701-13800 out of 18345.
Convert between camel case and separated words style
Encode success or at least one error
A monad transformer for resumable exceptions
A tool that returns to a landmark parent directory
A driver for RethinkDB 2.2
Client driver for RethinkDB
Useful tools for modeling data with rethinkdb
RethinkDB driver for Haskell
A powerful, easy-to-use codemodding tool for Haskell
A powerful, easy-to-use codemodding tool for Haskell
Code shared across the code samples in the book "Retrocomputing with Clash"
High-level simulators from the book "Retrocomputing with Clash"
Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail
Adaptation of the retry library for the effectful ecosystem
Retry failed commands
A library to provide special kind of big numbers writing
Reverse State monad transformer
A French revolutionary decimal time (metric) clock
Standard version of the reverse apply operator
Reverse the arguments of arbitrary functions
Simple reverse geocoding using OpenStreeMap
Reversed lists/snoc lists
Text-only reversi (aka othelo) game
Haskell bindings to ReviewBoard
Open file and rewrite it with new contents
Inspection of rewriting steps
Generic rewriting library for regular datatypes
A quasi-quoter for typeful results of regex captures
Github resume generator
Robert Fischer's Common library
Environment variable support from the Robert Fischer Commons
The HTTP client extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons
The Prelude from the Robert Fischer Commons
The PostgreSQL extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons
The Redis extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons
The Servant extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons
Rfc1413 server
An rfc1413 parser and response renderer
RFC-1751 library for Haskell
RFC-1751 library for Haskell
Parse and display time according to RFC3339 (deprecated)
Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051
A dynamic/unbounded alternative to Bounded Enum
Haskell types for working with RGB colors
Bugzilla query tool
Functional Reactive Programming with type-level clocks
Monad-bayes backend for Rhine
Gloss backend for Rhine
Terminal backend for Rhine
Haskell rhythm game tutorial
Improved library to deal with rhythmicity of short sequences
A Haskell client for the Riak decentralized data store
Haskell types for the Riak protocol buffer API
Lenses for riak-protobuf
Static site generator based on Shake
Static site generator based on Shake
[Unmaintained] Type-level Relational DB combinators
Neovim plugin framework for Polysemy
CLI for Ribosome
Neovim plugin host for Polysemy
Test tools for Ribosome
Api extensions for nvim-hs
Test tools for Ribosome
Tiny library to replace classic if/else
Rich environment variable setup for Haskell
Integrated pretty-printing and error/static analysis reporting
Quick metrics to grow your app strong
Handy metrics that don't belong to ridley
A Riemann client for Haskell
RIFF parser for Haskell
A mid-level wrapper for vega-lite
A concurrent, mutable ring-buffer
Mutable ring buffers with atomic updates in GHC Haskell
Ring-like objects
A standard library for Haskell
Generic App type for rio
Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package
Pretty-printing for RIO
A library for process pools coupled with asynchronous message queues
Riot is an Information Organisation Tool
Ripple payment system library
Utilities and types to work with the Ripple federation protocol
Reduced instruction set i386 simulator
Haskell representation of the RISC-V instruction set architecture
A DSL for Risk-oriented Object Detection Requirements
Parses and renders RISON strings
Parallel implementation of Ritt-Wu's algorithm
Rivers are like Streams, but different
A project management tool for Haskell applications
Rivet migration library postgresql backend
Database migration library; automatic importer
Database migration library; core functionality
Postgresql migration support for project management tool
Basic deployment support for project management tool
A reflective JSON serializer/parser
Collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms
Quasiquoter for inline-R code
A data type of run-length-encoded lists
A Haskell codec for RL-Glue