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Showing entries 17201-17300 out of 18547.
Unleash feature toggle client
Unleash feature toggle client core
Typeclass for monads that can be unlifted to arbitrary base monads
(un)lifted classes and functions for the STM monad
Unlifted and levity-polymorphic types
GHC Haskell lists of non-thunks (things of kind TYPE 'UnliftedRep)
The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included)
The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO
Fast and robust message queues for concurrent processes
UnliftIO using well-typed Paths
Use MonadUnliftIO on servant APIs
Generalization of io-streams to MonadUnliftIO
unlitNix package
Tool to convert literate code between styles or to code
A Library for the manipulation of images
Extract useful information from Amiga MED files
Efficient hashing-based container types
Rematch support for unordered containers
Graph library using unordered-containers
A specialization of HashMap Int v
Monad transformers that mirror worker-wrapper transformations
Unpacked containers via backpack
An unpacked either data type
An unpacked maybe data type
Maybes of numeric values with fewer indirections
Optional text that unpacks well
An unpacked these data type
An unpacked validation data type
An attoparsec roundtrip
Compiler plugin for loop unrolling
Unified interface to unsafe functions
Create pure futures using lazy IO
Flexible access control for unsafe operations and instances
Like unsafeperformIO, but for the ST monad
Unsatisfiable type class
Solve Boggle-like word games
An extension removing the sequentiality from monads
Utility construction of the graph depending unusable packages
A command line tool to identify unused code
Unwrapping sums/products lifted to functors
Units of measure as a GHC type-checker plugin
upNix package
Command-line tool to generate paths for moving upward in a file system
Software management tool
Please see the README on GitHub at
A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions
Update all your git repositories with just one command
Monadic FRP library based on stm
updoNix package
A style of maintaining and upgrading Haskell projects
Haskell client for Uploadcare
Upload test
Binding to upskirt
Talk to Urbit from Haskell
Talk to Urbit from Haskell
Hoon-style atom manipulation and printing functions
Minimalistic CLI RSS reader
Ur/Web static content generator
uriNix package
Library for working with URIs
Haskell URI parsing as ByteStrings
Aeson instances for URI Bytestring
Read and write URIs (deprecated)
Unicode aware uri-encoding
A uri encoder to make your strings less readable
Read and write URIs (deprecated)
Uri-enumerator backend for the file scheme (deprecated)
A simple library for parsing and generating URIs
URI template library for Haskell
Parsing & Quasiquoting for RFC 6570 URI Templates
urlNix package
A library for working with URLs
Memory efficient url type and parser
Decoders for URL-encoding (aka Percent-encoding)
Parse/format generic key/value URLs from record data types
Encoding and decoding of URL slugs
URLbNix package
DEPRECATED A simple, liberal URL parser
Parallel link checker
Decode percent-encoded strings
Url dispatcher
Simple, declarative, expressive URL routing -- on happstack
Generate or process x-www-urlencoded data
Painfully simple URL deployment
URLTNix package
Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application
urnNix package
Universal Resource Names
A package for updatable discrete distributions
urxmlNix package
XML parser-printer supporting Ur/Web syntax extensions
Please see the README on GitHub at
usbNix package
Communicate with USB devices
Iteratee enumerators for the usb package
Parser and request Library for USB HIDs
A database of USB identifiers
Iteratee enumerators for the usb package
Type-safe communication with USB devices
Some useful functions and shorthands
A collection of user agents
The UserId type and useful instances for web development
usersNix package
A library simplifying user management for web applications
A mysql-haskell backend for the users library
A persistent backend for the users package
A PostgreSQL backend for the users package
Library to test backends for the users library
utcNix package
A pragmatic time and date library
utfNix package