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Showing entries 16901-17000 out of 17883.
Loeb's theorem for extensible records
Syntax sugar for vinyl records using overloaded labels
Initial project template from stack
Vinyl records utilities
Utilities for vinyl
Vectors for vinyl vectors
Virtual Haskell Environment builder
VisNix package
Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss
Simple computation of visibility polygons
An XMMS2 client
Visualize the graph-rewrite steps of a Haskell program
Create a visual profile of a program's source code
Visualize CBN reduction
Profunctor optics via the profunctor representation theorem
vividNix package
Sound synthesis with SuperCollider
Open Sound Control encode/decode
Implementation of SuperCollider server specifications
Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package
Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses
VKHSNix package
Provides access to Vkontakte social network via public API
Smaoin vocabulary definitions of the base framework
Phase vocoder
Phase vocoder for conduit-audio
Phase vocoder for Conduit
Phase vocoder for Dunai and Rhine
Upload audio files to voicebase to get a transcription
voidNix package
A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
Reading of Vorbis comments from Ogg Vorbis files
Vowpal Wabbit utilities
Haskell bindings for libvoyeur
Vantage Point Trees
vpqNix package
Priority queue based on vector
VRMLNix package
VRML parser and generator for Haskell
vrpnNix package
Bindings to VRPN
Vector and Text utilities
vteNix package
Binding to the VTE library
Binding to the VTE library
vtyvtyNix package
A simple terminal UI library
vtyvty_5_35_1Nix package
A simple terminal UI library
vtyvty_6_2Nix package
A simple terminal UI library
Cross-platform support for Vty
Examples programs using the vty library
A lib for displaying a menu and getting a selection using VTY
An interactive terminal user interface library for Vty
Extra vty-ui functionality not included in the core library
Unix backend for Vty
Windows backend for Vty
A binding for the Vulkan API
Bindings to the Vulkan graphics API
Low-level low-overhead vulkan api bindings
Utils for the vulkan package
Bindings to the VulkanMemoryAllocator library
JSON wrangling
Manage Wacom tablet settings profiles, including Intuos Pro ring modes
DOOM WAD file utilities
wahspNix package
A haskell binding of the Web Audio API ala blank-canvas
waiNix package
Web Application Interface
Rewrite based on Accept-Language header
File/CGI/Rev Proxy App of WAI
WAI application for static serving
Command line runner for Wai apps (using Warp) with TLS, CGI, socket activation & graceful shut…
Conduit wrappers for WAI
Run wai Applications in IO based monads
A web server for the development of WAI compliant web applications
Helpers to bind digestive-functors onto wai requests
Nice wrapper around yesod-routes for use with WAI
Enforce HTTPS in Wai server app safely
WAI middleware to parameterize requests with environment
WAI support for server-sent events (deprecated)
Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware
Feature flag support for WAI applications
Run CGI apps on WAI
Git http-backend CGI App of WAI
Graceful shutdown for WAI applications
WAI server that automatically reloads code after modification
Wai handler to fastcgi
Wrap WAI applications to run on AWS Lambda
Launch a web app in the default browser
Wai handler to SCGI (deprecated)
Web Application Interface handler using snap-server
Turn WAI applications into standalone GUIs using QtWebkit
Nice wrapper around hastache for use with WAI
Hmac authentication tools for WAI apps
WAI utilities for HTTP/2
Haskell Webapps on AWS Lambda
Lenses for WAI
DEPCRECATED (use package "simple" instead)
A logging middleware for WAI applications
A logging system for WAI
Buffer requets before logging them
A logging system for preforked WAI apps
Compiling and serving assets
Authentication middleware that secures WAI application
WAI Middleware for Bearer Token Authentication
WAI middleware for brotli compression
Caching middleware for WAI
Redis backend for wai-middleware-cache
WAI Middleware to cache things
Initial project template from stack