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Showing entries 18101-18200 out of 18547.
Lenses, traversals, and prisms for xml-conduit
Monadic extensions to the xml package
Optics for xml-conduit
Parsing XML with Parsec
XML parser with informative error-reporting and simple API
XML picklers based on xml-types, ported from hexpat-pickle
XML parser which uses simple-pipe
Pretty print XML
XML pretty printer
Push XML from/to client to/from server over XMPP or HTTP
A parser-agnostic declarative API for querying XML-documents
A binding for the "xml-query" and "xml-conduit" libraries
An interpreter of "xml-query" queries for the "xml-types" documents
Parse XML from bytes
Library and command line tool for converting XML files to json
Fast, light converter of xml to json capable of handling huge xml files
Typed XML encoding for an xml-conduit backend
Typed XML encoding (core library)
Basic types for representing XML
Utilities for dealing with Content-values of "xml-types"
Verifying XML signatures
Blaze-html instances for xml-conduit types (deprecated)
Translate xml to json
xml2xNix package
Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML
xmlbfNix package
XML back and forth!
Xeno backend support for the xmlbf library
Xmlhtml backend support for the xmlbf library
Fast XML generation library
XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode
A library for writing XML and HTML
A library to parse xml
xmltvNix package
Show tv channels in the terminal
XMMSNix package
XMMS2 client library
An XMMS2 client library
An XMMS2 client library — GLib integration
A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar
xmonadxmonadNix package
A tiling window manager
xmonadxmonad_0_18_0Nix package
A tiling window manager
A tiling window manager
xmonad-contribxmonad-contribNix package
Community-maintained extensions for xmonad
xmonad-contribxmonad-contrib_0_18_1Nix package
Community-maintained extensions for xmonad
Third party extensions for xmonad
Third party extensions for xmonad
Please see the README on Github at
XMonad config entry point wrapper
Module for evaluation Haskell expressions in the running xmonad instance
Third party extensions for xmonad with wacky dependencies
Workspaces screenshooting utility for XMonad
Bind media keys to work with Spotify
A small collection of X utilities
Custom xmonad, which builds with stack or cabal
XMonad volume controls
Xmonad wallpaper extension
A library to automatically put named windows into the DynamicLog
XMPP implementation using simple-PIPE
XMPPNix package
XMPP library
Text-based notification server for XMobar
xorNix package
Efficient XOR masking
Haskell implementation of the xorshift random generator
Simple implementation of xorshift+ PRNG
Pure haskell implementation of xorshift128plus random number generator
xosdNix package
A binding to the X on-screen display
Text builder for xournal file format
Convert utility for xoj files
Xournal file parser
Xournal file renderer
Data types for programs for xournal file format
Command line tool to extract DSV data from HTML and XML with XPATH expressions
Please see the README on GitHub at
xsactNix package
Cluster EST sequences
An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP
xsdNix package
XML Schema data structures
xsha1Nix package
Cryptanalysis of Blizzard's broken SHA-1 implementation
xsltNix package
Binding to libxslt
Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
Low-Fat static file packaging for Haskell projects
Automatic generation of XStaticFile
xtcNix package
EXtended & Typed Controls for wxHaskell
xteaNix package
XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm)
xtestNix package
Thin FFI bindings to X11 XTest library
Turtle like LOGO
A Haskell implementation of the xxHash algorithm
xxhash-ffixxhash-ffiNix package
Bindings to the C implementation the xxHash algorithm
xxhash-ffixxhash-ffi_0_3Nix package
Bindings and high-level helpers for xxHash
xzNix package
LZMA/XZ compression and decompression
LZMA/XZ clibs
#plaimi's all-encompassing bot
yabiNix package
Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter
Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter
A simple blog engine powered by Yesod
Personal Hackage replacement for testing new packages
Yet Another Pong Clone using SDL
Read quotes from Yahoo Finance API
Streaming aproach to the yahoo finance api
A wrapper around Yahoo API for downloading market data
Yahoo Web Search Services
yajlNix package
Bindings for YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation
Enumerator-based interface to YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation
yakNix package
A strongly typed IRC library
yallNix package
Lenses with a southern twang