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Showing entries 18101-18200 out of 18268.
Simple CRUD classes for easy view creation for Yesod
WebSockets support for Yesod
Extension to yesod-websockets
Initial project template from stack
Yet Another Logger
YFrobNix package
Yampa-based library for programming robots
Executable specifications of composable cryptographic protocols
Yhc's Internal Core language
yhseqNix package
Calculation of YH sequence system
yiNix package
Yi editor
Add-ons to Yi, the Haskell-Scriptable Editor
Yi editor core library
Dynamic configuration support for Yi
Simple mapping from colour names used in emacs to Color
Pango frontend for Yi editor
Vty frontend for Yi editor
Fuzzy open plugin for yi
The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package
Yi editor incremental reader
Cua keymap for Yi editor
Emacs keymap for Yi editor
Vim keymap for Yi editor
Collection of language-related Yi libraries
Yi editor miscellaneous modes
Yi editor haskell mode
Yi editor javascript mode
Monokai colour theme for the Yi text editor
A rope data structure used by Yi
Snippet support for yi
Solarized colour theme for the Yi text editor
Spolsky colour theme for the Yi text editor
The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package
yicesNix package
Haskell programming interface to Yices SMT solver
Simple interface to the Yices SMT (SAT modulo theories) solver
An embedded language for programming the Yices SMT solver
yiydNix package
This project's whole name is Zhou Yi Yarrow divination
yjftpNix package
CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp'
CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp'
yjsvgNix package
Make SVG string from Haskell data
Some tools for Monad, List, Tuple and so on
yoctoNix package
A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell
YoctoNix package
A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell
A truly tiny monadic parsing library
yodaNix package
Parser combinators for young padawans
yogaNix package
Bindings to Facebook's Yoga layout library
A MUD client library
A functional MUD client
yokoNix package
Generic Programming with Disbanded Data Types
A library for digital circuit description
Yosys RTL Intermediate Language
Upload video to YouTube via YouTube API
yqlNix package
A YQL engine to execute Open Data Tables
ystNix package
Builds a static website from templates and data in YAML or CSV files
ytlNix package
Mtl-style transformations for Yesod sites
Auth module for Yu
The core of Yu
The launcher for Yu
Tool for Yu
Utils for Yu
Grids defined by layout hints and implemented on top of Yahoo grids
yuukoNix package
A transcendental HTML parser gently wrapping the HXT library
yxNix package
Row-major coordinates
Utilities for reading and writing Alteryx .yxdb files
Crypto for Haskell
Array, vector and text
Z-IONix package
Simple and high performance IO toolkit for Haskell
YAML tools
z3Nix package
Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover
High-level assertion encoding to Z3 solver
z85Nix package
Implementation of the z85 binary codec
zabtNix package
Simple-minded abstract binding trees
zalgoNix package
Z-algorithm implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists
A tool for checking how much work is done on group projects
Lojban parser (zasni gerna)
zbarNix package
Zbar bindings in Haskell
Zobrist keys for game state tracking
Polymer growth simulation method
A standard compliant HTML parsing library
Unicode utilities for Haskell
zencNix package
GHC style name Z-encoding and Z-decoding
Zendesk API for Haskell programming language
@zenhack's personal custom prelude
zenoNix package
An automated proof system for Haskell programs
Zeolite is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language
Zephyr, tree-shaking for the PureScript language
Embedded programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL and Zephyr
zeroNix package
Semigroups with absorption
Post to 0bin services
Bindings to ZeroMQ 2.1.x
Conduit bindings for zeromq3-haskell
Bindings to ZeroMQ 3.x
Haskell implementation of the ZeroMQ clone pattern
Conduit wrapper around zeromq4-haskell
Bindings to ZeroMQ 4.x
Haskell implementation of several ZeroMQ patterns
More constrained extensions to zeromq4-haskell
ZeroTH - remove unnecessary TH dependencies
Command-line utility for working with zettelkast files
Polysemy effects for testing