Showing entries 18201-18300 out of 18547.
A wrapper of servant
Yam App
Yam Configuation
Yam DataSource Middleware
Job Module for Yam
Yam Logger
Yam Redis Middleware
Web Module for Yam
Yam transaction
Transaction ODBC Plugin
Transaction Postgresql Plugin
Yam Web
Simple memoisation function
Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents
YAML parsing combinators for improved validation and error reporting
Configuration management
A light-weight wrapper with utility functions around HsSyck
Lens interface to yaml-light
Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents with marks
Extra functionality for pretty printing Yaml documents
Simple library for network (HTTP REST-like)
Scotty server backend for yaml-rpc
Snap server backend for yaml-rpc
Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents
Read multiple yaml-files and override fields recursively
Flexible declarative YAML parsing toolkit
Generate OWL schema from YAML syntax, and an RDFa template
Compares the keys from two yaml files
Declaritive configuration parsing with free docs
YAML reference implementation
Elegant Functional Reactive Programming Language for Hybrid Systems
Elegant Functional Reactive Programming Language for Hybrid Systems
Blank-canvas frontend for Yampa
Library for programming hybrid systems
Connects GLFW-b (GLFW 3+) with the Yampa FRP library
A GLOSS backend for Yampa
Connects Yampa and GLUT
Yampa and SDL2 made easy
Testing library for Yampa
2048 game clone using Yampa/Gloss
Software synthesizer
Bindings to Yandex translate API
Yet another option parser
Yet another prelude - a simplistic refactoring with algebraic classes
Yet Another Parser Builder (YAPB)
Yet another records libraries
Represent and parse yarn.lock files
Convert yarn.lock files to nix expressions
Yet another array library
Image IO for Yarr library
Yet another string interpolator
Yet Another Template Engine
Yet another visual editor
Total recursion schemes
Pattern functors and instances for types in the containers package
Hedgehog testing support for the Yaya recursion scheme library
QuickCheck testing support for the Yaya recursion scheme library
Test suites for yaya
Non-total extensions to the Yaya recursion scheme library
Test suites for yaya-unsafe
Additional utilities to work with Yhc Core
Yesod-based server for interactive presentation slides
Small dmenu wrapper
A Yeller Client For Haskell
Extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes!
YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (legacy compatibility wrapper)
YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (core)
YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (HDBC backend)
YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (postgresql-simple backend)
Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
Alert messages for the Yesod framework
Angular JS integratoin
Angular Helpers
Automatically generate article previews for a yesod site
Authentication for Yesod
An account authentication plugin for Yesod
An account authentication plugin for Yesod
Yesod Middleware for HTTP Basic Authentication
BCrypt salted and hashed passwords in a database as auth for yesod
Authentication plugin for Yesod remote authentication support for Yesod apps
Authentication backend for Yesod using Facebook
Authentication plugin for Yesod
An account authentication plugin for yesod with encrypted token transfer
Kerberos Authentication for Yesod
LDAP Authentication for Yesod
Very simlple LDAP auth for yesod
Yesod LDAP authentication plugin
A yesod-auth plugin for LTI 1.3
A plugin for Yesod to provide email-only authentication
OAuth Authentication for Yesod
OAuth 2.0 authentication plugins
OAuth 2.0 authentication plugins
A yesod-auth plugin for multi-tenant SSO via OpenID Connect
Provides PAM authentication module
Traditional email/pass auth for Yesod
Authentication plugin for Yesod using smbclient
Zendesk remote authentication support for Yesod apps
Auto-reload a yesod app during development
The yesod helper executable