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Showing entries 2101-2200 out of 18547.
HIE-based Haskell call graph and source code visualizer
CamFort - Cambridge Fortran infrastructure
camhNix package
Write image files onto 256(or 24bit) color terminals
Haskell implementation of the Campfire API
Generic implementation of the Has and CoHas patterns
Canadian income tax calculation
Candid integration
canonNix package
Arithmetic for Psychedelically Large Numbers
Abstract data type for canonical file paths
Canonical JSON for signing and hashing JSON values
A pattern for configuring programs
Utilities for HTTP programming
Data types to describe HTTP services
A canteven way of setting up logging for your program
Date / time parsing utilities that try to guess the date / time format
A few utilites and helpers for using Template Haskell in your projects
Application for analysis of java source code
Convert data to and from a natural number representation
caoNix package
CAO Compiler
capNix package
Interprets and debug the cap language
Separate and contain effects of IO monad
Extensional capabilities and deriving combinators
OTP-like supervision trees in Haskell
capnpNix package
Cap'n Proto for Haskell
A list-like type for lazy sequences, with a user-defined termination value
capriNix package
A simple wrapper over cabal-install to operate in project-private mode
capsNix package
Monadic capabilities with late binding
A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services
A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services
A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services
Simple web-server for organizing car-pooling for an event
High-level OpenGL bindings
Some spaghetti code
Drop emails from threads being watched into special CC folder
Algorithms for coin selection and fee balancing
Library utilities for constructing and signing Cardano transactions
Measure container capacity
A presentation tool written with Haskell
An implementation and DSL for the Carneades argumentation model
A translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's AFs
A C-compatible array library
carteNix package
Carte: A commandline pastebin server
Specify Cabal files in Haskell
Coordinate systems
A hashing class for content-addressed storage
ContentHashable instances for S3 objects
A content-addressed storage
CASA Abbreviations and Acronyms
Client for Casa
Types for Casa
Mid-level bindings to CasADi
Low level bindings to casadi-control
Autogenerated low level bindings to casadi
Low level bindings to CasADi
Low level bindings to casadi-ipopt_interface
Low level bindings to casadi-snopt_interface
Playing with reified categorical composition
DSL for HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Convert between different cases
Case insensitive string comparison
A simplified, faster way to do case-insensitive matching
casedNix package
Track string casing in its type
Combinators for casing on constructors
casesNix package
A converter for spinal, snake and camel cases
cashNix package
The Computer Algebra SHell
Convert between various source code casing conventions
CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook
CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook HTML output
Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook)
Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) HTML output
CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) reports
CASR 61.345 logbook reports HTML output
Reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook)
HTML output for reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook
CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook
Haskell client for Cassandra's CQL protocol
Thrift bindings to the cassandra database
A CSV parsing and encoding library
A CSV parsing and encoding library
Conduit interface for cassava package
CSV-file embedding library
Cassave instances for functor-like datatypes like Either String a
cassava-megaparseccassava-megaparsecNix package
Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava
cassava-megaparseccassava-megaparsec_2_1_1Nix package
Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava
Auto-generation of records data type
Io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library
TemplateHaskell helpers for cassava
A combinator library for simultaneously defining parsers and pretty printers
cassyNix package
A high level driver for the Cassandra datastore
castNix package
Abstact cast pattern
Portable CRC-32C
Multicast, thread-safe, and fast logger
A tool to manage shared cabal-install sandboxes
casuiNix package
Equation Manipulator
A Category typeclass hierarchy powerful enough to encode full programs
Exposes a Template Haskell function for generating catamorphisms
A monad for complex manipulation of a stream
MonadThrow and MonadCatch, using functional dependencies
Categorical Monoids and Semirings