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Showing entries 4201-4300 out of 18547.
Logging made easy
Haskell JSON library with an emphasis on simplicity, minimal dependencies, and ease of use
A tiny plotting library, utilizes gnuplot for plotting
User-friendly creation of EPS, PostScript, and PDF files
Pure, type-indexed haskell vector, matrix, and tensor library
Use easytensor with vulkan-api
Simple, expressive testing library
Time in ebeats
A Haskell description of the eBird API
A command-line utility for interacting with the eBird API
Client functions for querying the eBird API
ebmlNix package
A pure EBML parser
Parser combinators & EBNF, BFFs!
Peter's Syntax Diagram Drawing Tool
The Amazon EC2 style signature calculator
A handy tool for uploading unikernels to Amazon's EC2
Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell
Provides "ed25519" API using "eccrypto"
ecdsaNix package
Basic ECDSA signing implementation
echoNix package
A cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input
A ECMA-262 interpreter library
A GHC.Generics based entity component system
ectaNix package
Please see the README on GitHub at
Hole-Fit Synthesis using ECTAs
ecuNix package
Tools for automotive ECU development
Ed25519 cryptographic signatures
Haskell bindings to ed25519-donna (Elliptical Curve Signature Scheme)
eddieNix package
Command line file filtering with haskell
edeNix package
Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2
Semi-explicit parallel programming library
Semi-explicit parallel programming skeleton library
A Tool to Visualize Parallel Functional Program Executions
edfNix package
EDF parsing library
edgeNix package
Top view space combat arcade game
edgesNix package
Tools for efficient immutable graphs
edisNix package
Statically typechecked client for Redis
A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (API)
A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)
editNix package
A monad for rewriting things
Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
Efficient implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance in linear memory
Calculate edit distances and edit scripts between vectors
Symmetric, stateful edit lenses
Programs demoing the use of symmetric, stateful edit lenses
Interactive editors for Generics
Bindings to the editline library (libedit)
Open the user's $VISUAL or $EDITOR for text input
Edit stdin using an editor before sending to stdout
editsNix package
Show the differences between 2 pieces of Text using the Levenshtein distance
Query language and report generator for edit logs
ExtremlyEasyConfig - Extremly Simple parser for config files
A library for writing extensible algebraic effects and handlers
Embeds effect systems and program logics into Haskell using graded monads and parameterised monads
Reducing the pain of transformer stacks with duplicated effects
effectfuleffectfulNix package
An easy to use, performant extensible effects library
effectfuleffectful_2_5_1_0Nix package
An easy to use, performant extensible effects library
effectful-coreeffectful-coreNix package
An easy to use, performant extensible effects library
effectful-coreeffectful-core_2_5_1_0Nix package
An easy to use, performant extensible effects library
effectful-plugineffectful-pluginNix package
A GHC plugin for improving disambiguation of effects
effectful-plugineffectful-plugin_1_1_0_4Nix package
A GHC plugin for improving disambiguation of effects
ST-style mutation for effectful
effectful-theffectful-thNix package
Template Haskell utilities for the effectful library
effectful-theffectful-th_1_0_0_3Nix package
Template Haskell utilities for the effectful library
Effectful effects for testing
A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming
A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using "Monads, Zippers and Views" instead of m…
Computational Effects
Parser Effect for the Control
effetNix package
An Effect System based on Type Classes
effinNix package
A Typeable-free implementation of extensible effects
Simulation interpreter for FLINT policy descriptions
Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data
Manipulating Egison patterns: abstract syntax, parser, and pretty-printer
Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions in Haskell source code
Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions to use with TH
A quasi quotes for using Egison expression in Haskell code
A tutorial program for the Egison programming language
Egyptian fractions in Haskell
Like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell
ehloNix package
Minimalistic SMTP client for Haskell
ehsNix package
Embedded haskell template using quasiquotes
EIBd Client
eigenNix package
Eigen C++ library (linear algebra: matrices, sparse matrices, vectors, numerical solvers)
eioNix package
IO with Exceptions tracked on the type-level
Combinators for working with sums
Either or both
Functions involving lists of Either
The simplest ‘MonadFail’ instance
Either with a stricter Semigroup instance
Functions for probing and unwrapping values inside of Either
EitherT monad transformer
Binding to EJDB2 C library, an embedded JSON noSQL database
ekgNix package
Remote monitoring of processes
Send ekg metrics to a Bosun instance
An EKG backend to send statistics to Carbon (part of Graphite monitoring tools)
An ekg backend for Amazon Cloudwatch
ekg-coreekg-coreNix package
Tracking of system metrics
ekg-corehasura-ekg-coreNix package
Tracking of system metrics