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Showing entries 4401-4500 out of 18345.
Library for parsing epub document metadata
Command line utilities for working with epub files
Rename epub ebook files based on meta information
EqNix package
Render math formula in ASCII, and perform some simplifications
eqNix package
Leibnizian equality
Shell command for finding equal files
A theory solver for conjunctions of literals in the theory of uninterpreted functions with equalit…
Proof assistant for Haskell using DataKinds & PolyKinds
Proof assistant for Haskell using DataKinds & PolyKinds
Application level triggered, and edge triggered event multiqueues
Maintaining an equivalence relation implemented as union-find using STT
erdNix package
An entity-relationship diagram generator from a plain text description
Decentralized messaging and synchronization
Test framework with virtual network using Linux namespaces
erfNix package
The error function, erf, and related functions
Native Haskell implementation of the interface from the erf package
FFI interface to Erlang
Send messages to an Erlang node using Haskell
erosNix package
A text censorship library
DEPRECATED in favor of eros-http
JSON HTTP interface to Eros
Source code error pretty printing
errnoNix package
A FFI utility
errorNix package
The canonical error type
Parse ghc and cabal error messages and give their causes for easier resolution
Error code functions
Provides API for enriching errors with contexts
Error Continuations
A useful type for collecting error messages
An error replacement with call-site metadata
Error functions that show file location information
Composable error messages
Composable, hierarchical errors
Utilities using ErrorOr datatype
Set of utils and operators for error handling
An orphan Eq instance for ErrorCall
Simplified error-handling
Bracket-like functions for ExceptT over IO monad
A script to concatenate AIP ERSA
A monad for expressing SAT or QSAT problems using observable sharing
Toysat driver as backend for ersatz
ertNix package
Easy Runtime Templates
ANSI Escape Sequence Text Decoration Made Easy
Produce Text with terminal escape sequences
Terminal fuzzy selector
Esotericbot is a sophisticated, lightweight IRC bot
Type-safe bindings to EsounD (ESD; Enlightened Sound Daemon)
Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server
esqueletoesqueletoNix package
Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends
esqueletoesqueleto_3_5_13_0Nix package
Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends
Compatibility operators for Persistent and Esqueleto
Esqueleto support for the pgcrypto PostgreSQL module
Postgis bindings for esqueleto
Memory-constant streaming of Esqueleto results from PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL full text search for Esqueleto
essNix package
The type-level S combinator in Haskell
General purpose live coding framework
General purpose live coding framework - Gloss backend
General purpose live coding framework - Gloss example
General purpose live coding framework - PortMidi backend
General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend
General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend example
General purpose live coding framework - QuickCheck integration
General purpose live coding framework - vivid backend
General purpose live coding framework
State-space estimation algorithms such as Kalman Filters
Tool for managing probability estimation
Methods for estimating the progress of functions
Repeats from ESTs
EtageNix package
A general data-flow framework
Data-flow based graph algorithms
A new implementation of the LambdaMOO server
etcNix package
Declarative configuration spec for Haskell projects
etcdNix package
Client for etcd, a highly-available key value store
Everything breaking the Fairbairn threshold
A 2-D shooting game
Native event-sourcing database
Automatic timestamping for Eternity
etherNix package
Monad transformers and classes
A network analysis toolkit for Haskell
A Ethereum contract analyzer
A CLI frontend for ethereum-analyzer
Stripped dependencies of ethereum-analyzer
A web frontend for ethereum-analyzer
A Haskell version of an Ethereum client
A modified Merkle Patricia DB
Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
etyNix package
Random etymology online entry
eulerNix package
Mathematics utilities for Haskell
Euler tour trees
Dynamic network FRP with events and continuous values
Free foreign exchange/currency feed from the European Central Bank
Library for using euro currency, italian language
Library for computer music research and education
evdevNix package
Bindings to libevdev
Bridge for working with evdev and streamly
eveNix package
An extensible event framework
Please see the README on Github at
evedNix package
A value level web framework